Cat:Uuuuuhhhhh can you get off of me!?!
20+ Photos That Are Funnier Than a Joke
Laugh, and the world laughs with you, they say. And many people find all those linguistic mouth-to-mouth ’’duels’’ the best way to make each other beam and giggle a lot when, sometimes, a single picture can say it all.
And Bright Side has found some of these beauties that will give you a 1,000-watt smile.
1. “My dog and cat’s relationship”
2. “This is my life now. Couldn’t be happier, in fact.”
3. “Give it a rest, Gerald.”

Otter 1 "Nooooooooo!!!!" Otter 2 "Really bro you broke up with her for the past month."
4. “The rare blep/loaf combination caught on camera”
5. “We told our 3-year-old she couldn’t get her toys out of jail so she climbed inside to play with them.”
6. “Dad, I’ve made a delicious mistake.”
7. “How she responds when asked why she’s laying on the coffee table”
8. “I caught Penelope mid-yawn and the result was epic.”
9. “No one is looking. Throw the turkey. Throw the turkey!”
10. “My girlfriend’s cat is not a fan of coffee.”
11. “Good morning, hooman, I’ve been waiting for you.”
12. “I still can’t see a thing!”
13. “Thou shall not pass!”
14. “She plopped on the air mattress this morning, totally forgetting she popped a hole in it last night.”
15. “My dog slipping on wet rocks”
16. Epic battle

Dog1 "Reeeeeeeeeee!!!" Dog2 "Bro get away from me."
17. “Selfie time”
18. “Ever get that feeling you’re being watched?”

Sssssssshhhhhhhhh go back to sleep human.
19. “My mom’s cat stares at her like this until she pets him.”
20. “Looks like the Razor Crest got a new look.”
21. Perspective decides everything.
Have you seen any fancy pictures with a truly amazing story or message behind it? Have you been lucky enough to capture something like that on your cell phone?
I love these type of articles
the dog slipping on the rocks was so cute, but so sad at the same time
that was soooooo hilarious

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