20 People Who Screwed Up So Epically, They’ll Remember It for the Rest of Their Lives

Japan never stops surprising even those of us who’ve been there many times. Food with impossible flavors, amazing art, things and practices that make guests and locals feel safe and comfortable — these are just a few reasons why the world loves Japan. Even if you think you’ve seen everything, make yourself some tea or coffee and get ready to see fruit-shaped bus stops, life-sized Lego people, trains where seats are facing the windows, and many more unique things you can find in Japan.
Here at Bright Side, we couldn’t fight the urge to buy a ticket to Japan when we saw these pics, and we bet you’ll feel the same when we show them to you. And don’t miss our bonus paragraph at the end, where we’ll tell you about an interesting Japanese art form you can try next time you break your favorite mug.
In Japan, there’s an art called Kintsugi which literally means “golden joinery.” The art consists of mending the broken pieces of pottery with the help of lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. This is how the Japanese turn something broken into something you can proudly display.
Kintsugi art has many followers across the globe, and here are some examples of pottery, that has been repaired with the help of this technique, that we found in the Reddit community devoted to this art.
Have you ever been to Japan? What surprises you most about this country? Let’s share our thoughts about Japan in the comments!