She should have scored higher!
8 Celebrities With Bodies That Fit Universal Beauty Standards, According to Science
Beauty has always been a matter of personal opinion, but now, science has pinpointed certain measurable traits that fit our idea of beauty. When scientists look at famous celebrities using these measurements, interesting information comes to light about the women often seen as the most beautiful. By considering proportions, symmetry, posture, and other measurable factors, studies have identified the celebrities with the most perfect looks.
8. Salma Hayek scored 88%.
7. Elle Macpherson scored 88.3%.
6. Cameron Diaz scored 91%.
5. Kelly Brook scored 92.9%.
4. Rita Ora scored 93%.
3. Kim Kardashian scored 96.3%.

She shouldn't be considered, her whole body is fake!!!
2. Helen Mirren scored 95.6%.
1. Scarlett Johansson scored 96.4%.
These findings reveal that certain physical attributes are universally appealing, regardless of cultural differences. By understanding these scientific principles of beauty, we can gain insight into why these celebrities are admired worldwide for their looks.

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