A Photographer Traveled Around Europe to Show How 100 Years Can Change Places

4 years ago

Around 100 years ago, renowned German photographer, Kurt Hielscher, published a photobook with pictures of Yugoslavia. Casper Molenaar, a contemporary Dutch photographer, bought that book during his studies and set out on a quest to find those places and recreate the photos. Kurt Hielscher also had other books with photos from Spain, Italy, and Germany, and Casper traveled all around Europe to recreate those too.

We at Bright Side admire Casper`s efforts to show us how much things can change with time, or stay the same in spite of it. In any case, seeing the past and present side by side is fascinating!

1. Venice, Italy, 1925 vs 2018

2. Slovenia, 1926 vs 2018

3. Macedonia 1926 vs 16th of June 2018

4. Venice, Italy, 1925 vs 2018

5. Germany, 1924 vs 2020

6. Montenegro, 1926 vs 2018

7. Macedonia, 1926 vs 2018

8. Rome, Italy, 1925 vs 2016

9. Germany, 1924 vs 2019

10. Czech Republic, 1941 vs 2019

11. Rome, Italy, 1925 vs 2016

12. Germany, 1924 vs 2019

13. Croatia, 1926 vs 2019

14. Prague, Czech Republic, 1941 vs 2020

15. Croatia, 1926 vs 2019

16. Spain, 1914-’19 vs 2019

17. Germany, 1924 vs 2020

Do you like how the places have changed or do you prefer how they looked before? Have you ever been in any of those places? If not, where would you like to go?


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wow, some only changed a bit 1℅ and the rest are the same no wonder that my place could be the same after 100 year!!


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