You're right. Antes que tú MIL están tus padres, creo que tú MIL sufre ciertos transtornos emocionales que lógicamente se incrementarán con el tiempo.
I Kicked My Nasty MIL Out of the House, I Don’t Care She Has No Money and May End Up Being Homeless
A woman, 37, has shared her absolutely mind-boggling family story with us, and we couldn’t but feel for her. Our heroine has a very tough relationship with her MIL, and despite this, she agreed to shelter a totally broken MIL in her own house. But the ungrateful mother-in-law turned the life of her DIL into a total mess, and the toughest of decisions followed as the result of such an attitude. The desperate woman shared the details of her story and asked our readers for their opinions.
Caroline wrote us a very sincere letter, describing her big issue.
A woman named Caroline, 37, is now torn by her own decision that she made towards her MIL, and she’s asking our readers to share their opinions on whether her action was justified.
Caroline opened her letter, saying, “Hi, dear Bright Side! I’ve been following your page for many years now, and it’s always been nice to see how the other followers of your page never hesitate to give a really valuable piece of advice to those who share their complicated life stories and family dilemmas through your editorial.
I believe it’s my turn now to ask people for advice, because I’m totally desperate and lost because of my moral dilemma. Here’s my story.”
Caroline goes on with her story, saying, “I live with my 3 kids, my husband and my mother-in-law, 65. My MIL moved in with us 7 years ago after my father-in-law passed because of cancer. She was financially struggling at that moment. My MIL is not easy to live with, and we have been struggling immensely since the beginning, and only after a few years we found some way to cohabit.”
Caroline’s house is densely inhabited and everything was fine at the beginning.
Caroline shared, “Recently (5 months ago to be exact) my parents (68 years old) faced a very tragic incident. Their house burned down and as a result they moved in with us while everything was being sorted out with insurance and other formalities. My kids are sharing a bedroom now, and my parents are currently staying in my eldest son’s bedroom.
My MIL has been struggling with this, and she really seems to hate my mother even being around. My mom has done nothing to upset her or to disturb her. In fact, my parents’ bedroom is located on the other side of the house. MIL doesn’t however have any problem with my father, and she always finds a way to talk to him and hang out with him.”
A huge argument happened in the family recently.
Caroline goes on with her story, saying, “A few days ago, while I was away from home, a massive fight happened between my mother and my MIL. My mom had accused my MIL of trying to seduce my father. She had some reasons for doing so, as there were some inappropriate and suggestive texts sent to my father by my MIL. My dad immediately showed them all to my mother, and she responded as if she was my father to see how far MIL would go, and well she went too far.”
“My mom confronted her and MIL shocked everyone with her reaction. She just stood up and called the police on my parents. She said she felt threatened, and the police then escorted my parents out the house. This all happened while my husband was still at work and the kids were at school. My parents went to stay at a hotel, and they explained what happened to me later over the phone.”
Caroline doesn’t want her MIL to live in her house anymore.
The desperate woman goes on with her story, saying, "When I returned home from work, I gave my MIL two days to move out. My husband keeps saying that I’m escalating things and that I should forgive his mother’s actions because she was ’lonely and confused.’ But I know for sure there is nothing wrong with her, she’s in good health. I’m aware of the fact that she’s still struggling financially and that she has nowhere to live, but I just can’t forgive her for this horrible accident with my parents.
“My husband didn’t see the texts and pictures his mother sent to my father. The only reason he hasn’t seen them is because he refused to, but I think I’ll have to insist because I need him to really understand how nasty this woman has been.
My husband has also profusely apologized to my parents, but they aren’t upset with us, and they hold only my mother-in-law responsible, as it were her disgusting actions that led to this. I need advice on whether I’m overreacting or am I doing everything right?”
And here’s yet another family drama, this time from a woman who had to kick her pregnant daughter out of her house together with her 6 kids. The reason why the heart of the mother couldn’t bear her own child beside her anymore is devastating. Read more to find out the details of this totally dramatic story.
Get rid of MIL. why should you and your family feel uncomfortable in her presence. Why should your mother feel uncomfortable. Wy should your father. 7 years you had endured her. Time for her to go. Everyone now has to be careful who their visitors are because of this old woman. Sending pictures and riske prose. Disgusting. What if she seduces other visitors. NO THANK YOU FIND YOUR OWN PLACE.. GOOD BYE.
Long past time for her to go. Make your husband read/see those texts. Give her a cheap motel room for a week and change your locks. When she fights going because this is legally her home call the cops and say you don't feel safe and you're worried about your kids.

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