Box is just like a play pen. I actually saw a hack this weekend where you put ya toddlers in a big box and give them felts. I thought it was gr8.
People Say I’m Lazy and Cruel Because I Put My Kids in Boxes to Get Free Time
As a mom, it can be difficult to find time for yourself amidst the responsibilities of caring for your children and managing the household. However, taking some “me time” is essential for your mental and emotional well-being. Finding ways to get me time with your kids can be challenging, but there are many creative ways to make it happen.
Gabrielle definitely found the best way to keep her children busy.
The mother of 2 recently shared a video on TikTok, showcasing how she manages to complete her household chores while keeping her little ones engaged. As a busy mother, she wanted to share her approach with others who may find themselves in a similar situation. It can be difficult to balance household duties and caring for children, and finding creative ways to keep your little ones happy and engaged is always a challenge.
She jokingly wrote in the caption of her video, “Glad we didn’t break down that box yet.” However, people weren’t as impressed as she was with this cardboard method. Many referred to her as being lazy and cruel.
Gabrielle found a fun way to keep her girls entertained by placing her toddler and baby in a cardboard box with some crayons, ensuring that they had a fun activity to keep them occupied.
Gabrielle also showed how she was able to vacuum peacefully while her children were in the box. Other commentators stated that it’s not a safe or appropriate way to care for children. Still, the children seemed to perfectly enjoy this little cardboard world they were put in, where they could draw anything they wanted.
Despite the negative comments, there were people who admitted their own parents had used similar tricks on them.
- “My mother used to just get us giant boxes as kids. I lived in a fridge box for weeks,” said a fan.
- “My mom did this with me and my sisters. The magic box was the best part of cleaning day.”
Some people wrote funny comments like this:
- “20 years from now: ’Yo, anyone else’s parents used to put them in boxes?’”
While others had even better ideas:
- “Hint, you can go to appliance stores and ask if they have any boxes. Get a fridge or washer box and make a spaceship.”
Gabrielle didn’t invent this method.
As creative as it may seem, Gabrielle didn’t invent this funny trick. She was actually inspired by another TikTok mom, Abby Franco.
If you found Gabrielle’s little trick useful and would like to discover more surprisingly easy parenting hacks, read through the following articles:

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