“It Appals Me,” Joan Collins Is Against Any Cosmetic Surgery and Claims She’s Aged Naturally

6 months ago

Looking at someone as stunning as Joan Collins and realizing that she is 90 years old already, makes most people wonder how much plastic surgery she’s done over the years. But one of the most remarkable things about the Dynasty star is that her face has never been touched by plastic surgeons. Let’s learn more about what keeps her looking and feeling so youthful.

Despite her age, she remains very active.

You’d think that after working for over 70 years, Collins would be impatient to get some well-deserved rest, but that would be wrong. As of 2023, the legendary actress, who turned 90 years old in May, still has television and film roles lined up. And in between filming, she’s managed to publish her 7th memoir titled Behind the Shoulder Pads: Stories I only tell my friends (2023).

Mary Evans/AF Archive/East News

In addition, Joan enjoys an active social life, which consists of book presentations, various high society events, and other various parties. Notably, she’s rarely seen in public by herself, as Collins is often accompanied by her arm candy husband, Percy Gibson.

Her life got a fresh start at 70.

Perhaps, one of Collins’ secrets to her never-ending energy is her husband, who is 31 years younger than her. Percy became Joan’s 5th husband after the two got married in 2002. At the time, Joan was almost in her 70s, but that didn’t stand in the way of their love. Moreover, even at 89, the actress said that she feels like she’s forty years old.

Whenever someone inquires about Joan and Percy’s age difference, she responds with a quick joke: “Well, if he dies, he dies.” But, on a serious note, she’s very happy in her marriage and says that even after 21 years “it’s just marvellous.”

She claims her beauty was never altered.

Twentieth Century Fox Pictures/Collection Christophel/East News

Now, we’ve established that Joan’s youthful drives comes from within, and it’s greatly thanks to her partner and her active lifestyle. But, surely she had to get some work done on her face to match her internal feeling? Turns out, nope. Collins’ beauty is all-natural, she’s just taken very good care of herself over the years. As she said: “I’ve had nothing done. I couldn’t do all that... I’m needle-phobic.”

Joan is very adamant that she had no work done on her face: “A lot of people think I’ve had a ton of work done. To set the record straight: I have not. I haven’t had Botox, I haven’t had any tweakments, I haven’t had fat injections, and honestly, when I look at the women who have — certainly a lot of women in their 40s — it appalls me.”

Her beauty secrets are accessible to everyone.

So what exactly does the icon do to slay at 90 years old? The first big rule is moisturizing. She reapplies her cream several times a day, including on her hands, especially after washing them. Joan’s second big secret is always sleeping on her back, because she wants to avoid having a “scrunchy face”.

And last, but not least, Collins does portion control and carefully watches what she eats. She said she eliminated doughnuts and hamburger buns from her diet, because she wants to “look, feel and be a certain way,” and she knows she needs self-control to achieve her aesthetic goals.

Speaking of old Hollywood stars, who seem to have forgotten to age, have you seen Jane Seymour lately? The 72-year-old Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman star is frozen in time and doesn’t look a day over 40. Check out how she’s doing these days here.

Preview photo credit Twentieth Century Fox Pictures/Collection Christophel/East News, joancollinsdbe / Instagram


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