One-Half of The Conjoined Twins Got Married, and It Causes a Stir Online

9 months ago

Abby Hensel, one-half of the conjoined twins, got married to Josh Bowling in 2021. However, news of her marriage recently surfaced.

The conjoined twins gained widespread recognition in 1996.

Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel initially captured national interest following their appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show back in 1996.

The Hensel sisters were featured in the heartwarming TLC reality series Abby and Brittany, showcasing their daily lives, including driving, traveling in Europe, and even riding a moped. After the show ended following its first season, Abby and Brittany recently completed their college education, earning degrees in education.

Abby is now married.

A lot has happened in the past decade. Abby, who is now 34, has gotten married. Public records show that Abby, a teacher, tied the knot with Josh Bowling, a nurse, in 2021. They shared pictures of their wedding on social media. They now live in Minnesota, their birthplace and hometown.

Both sisters currently work as fifth-grade teachers.

The twins received criticism after news of the wedding came out.

flooding the internet with negative comments. To tackle the negativity, they decided to confront it directly by using a viral audio clip.

“This is a message to all the haters out here,” a deep voice stated in the TikTok video, accompanying images of Abby and Brittany with Bowling. “If you don’t like what I do but watch everything I’m doing, you’re still a fan.”

Abby and Brittany have unique physiology.

The twins share one body with separate heads, necks, arms, and legs. They had a rudimentary arm removed at birth. Abby's head tilts 5 degrees to the right, while Brittany tilts 15 degrees to the left. Brittany's leg is shorter and she walks on tip-toe, making her calf larger. Abby's spine growth was stopped after Brittany stopped growing. They underwent surgery at age 12 to correct scoliosis and expand their chest cavity.

The women share 2 hearts in a shared circulatory system, 4 lungs, and 3 kidneys.

Another conjoined twin, Abbigail and Isabelle Carlsen, defied the odds with a groundbreaking separation at just 6 months old. Read their full story here.


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