36 Celebrities Who Look So Much Alike, It’s Eerie

Let me introduce Kelly Brook — a model, an actress, and...an owner of a perfect body! Yes, you heard right. According to a study conducted at the University of Texas, this young woman has the perfect body.
The study took into account such characteristics as height, weight, hair length, and face shape. It turned out that the body which makes most women say, ’I’d like to lose a few pounds,’ is the very ’ideal’ that shines with health and beauty, and looks attractive to men. The scientists say: ’This woman is completely natural and scientifically perfect.’
Kelly never had plastic surgery, and she looks great: her body looks good and is healthy, and the young lady’s face shines with happiness. Despite all of this, Kelly said many times that she was an object of ridicule because of her body, and the beauty scouts called her too plump.
Bright Side suggests you look at the photos of this charming young woman and decide if you agree with the scientists or not.