There’s a reason why people say that all ingenious ideas are simple. Sometimes we rack our brains over trivial things so much that they suddenly become difficult. It’s a good idea to slow down, take a sip of tea, and look at your situation differently. That’s how these 14 people found great solutions to their initially complicated problems.
Our underwear is like a second skin. Other people can’t see it, but nevertheless, it plays an important role in every one of our outfits. But underwear can cause problems sometimes. Your bra’s underwire can break, bra cups can become deformed, or you can have a camel toe malfunction.
When navigating the internet, we can come across amazing life hacks that would definitely make our lives easier. The problem is that not everything that is on the internet is true, and if you try to replicate some of these experiments at home, the result can be very different from what the video proposed. That’s the reason why Bright Side decided to gather these tested tricks, so you can be sure that things will work out for you.
A few clever life hacks and shortcuts can make our everyday lives much easier, safer, and more enjoyable. But figuring all these tips and tricks out on our own isn’t always possible. Some imaginative people decided to post their findings and little tricks on the internet, once again proving the saying that “sharing is caring.”
Some people prove there’s always a way to put forth less effort and easily get out of doing mundane tasks. They make full use of the stuff they have at hand and manage to gain more time in a day, which is not even 24 hours long. We can’t help but wonder where they get the inspiration to make things simpler than they should be.
Sometimes we might wish there was a pill that could automatically solve all our problems. Although it hasn’t been invented yet, we can do just fine with ingenious tips people somehow manage to come up with. Legend has it, it’s either because of a necessity or outright laziness. In any case, it wholly depends on how you look at it, and we don’t mind the benefits the life hacks bring us.
Many people think of cleaning as a quite painful process because it can take hours. That’s why witty people invent different life hacks to make cleaning both easy and effective.
There are people who can come up with a quick and witty solution to any household problem. These people know how to thread a needle, slice tomatoes in a wink, and transform a ready-made pie into a great dessert.
Celebrities spend a lot of time getting prepared for a red carpet event. Their preparations usually include makeup, styling their hair, and attending the final fittings of their outfit. And the stylists do their best to make sure that the stars look flawless throughout the entire event.
Every day, we follow rules, sometimes even without thinking about them. When we cook lunch, for example, we use ordinary utensils, and it never crosses our mind that we can do things like cut potatoes with an apple cutter. At the same time, many Internet users had to improvise once, only to realize afterward that they had found an effective life hack. So let’s check them out.
Whether you like cooking or not, we bet you like your kitchen to stay clean and tidy and don’t want any extra stress when you eat, cook, or store your food. It’s a blessing to have the r/lifehacks Reddit thread where amateur and professional chefs share their kitchen tips. From making a smaller baking pan out of a bigger one with the help of tin foil to a smart way to save space in your fridge, there’s an avalanche of knowledge that can turn the kitchen into your favorite place in the house.
Life hacks are supposed to make our lives easier. But sometimes, it’s quite hard to find really good ideas. Some tips and tricks from the Internet seem like nonsense at first. But once you try them, you just can’t understand how you ever lived without them.
Both professional chefs and people who are fond of cooking know many tricks that make their work easier. What’s more, they always keep coming up with something new or manage to re-discover old tricks for themselves.
If you can’t remember when the last time you took an uninterrupted shower was, or simply got to drink your cup of coffee while it was still hot, some of these tips can be lifesavers. Parenting is a 24/7 job, and although you won’t ever get a day off, you can still make your life a little less chaotic.
Small tricks in different spheres of life may help us save time and money, avoid embarrassing situations, or properly organize the space. Every life hack is a good way to find a creative solution to a common problem with the help of ordinary things.
Bad smells in the fridge, old cookies, microwaved food that’s not evenly warm. All of these little disasters are easy to prevent with some simple life hacks. And there’s no need to spend lots of money to make your kitchen look professional. All of these solutions are right under your nose.
Our gadgets can do so many useful things today that we aren’t even aware of all their secrets. But it’s never too late to learn, especially if that knowledge could make your life easier.
Turns out soap has more useful features, besides cleaning, that can help you in your daily life. For example, it’s great to use to fill nail holes in your wall. You can easily make any mirror anti-fog or polish glasses and sunglasses.
Some young people are as prepared for an independent life as sailors who have to live on a desert island after a shipwreck. They have no idea how to pay the bills or what to make for dinner, except for scrambled eggs. And that lack of preparation becomes a huge problem when they finally decide to move away from their parents.
People are ready to do anything to make their lives easier and, so, inventive internet users are especially talented. They come up with little tricks on the fly and when they share them online, they get their fair share of likes and we talk about them in our articles.
Sometimes, it feels like being a modern woman is best left to the professionals. Simple things like your hair or shoes can make or break your day. Luckily, women all around the world have come up with tips to get out of a sticky situation with just a little imagination and foresight.
Children make us happy. And they also make a mess at home and make you feel like there are more things than you can possibly do. But inventive parents from all over the world don’t just accept these difficulties and continue working on new ways to improve their lives...
When you own a cat for years, you can solve any “cat issue” just in a few minutes. Cat owners know how to calm their pet down, correct their bad habits, and construct a scratcher that you don’t have to nail to a wall. Fortunately, they’re always ready to share their experience with other people who love these furry animals.
Bright Side found several unusual tricks and curious life hacks that only a genius or a creative thinker could’ve come up with. And we think that the last hack is the best of all.
Sometimes, quick thinking is all you need to get out of a tough spot. From clever life hacks to bold last-minute decisions, these stories prove that a little creativity can go a long way. Get ready to be amazed by the genius ways people managed to escape tricky situations.
Women invented car heaters, dishwashers, and fold-out beds. And they demonstrate their outside-the-box thinking every single day, finding ways to make our lives simpler and more pleasant. We decided to share their life hacks with you, and in the bonus section, you’ll find a couple more useful tricks.
Painters and scientists aren’t the only creative thinkers. In fact, we can all be creative, especially when it comes to finding solutions to everyday problems. However, we must acknowledge that some people simply have crazier imaginations than others. And just like that, here are some folks who decided to share some life hacks that saved them money and, most importantly, nerves.
Even if you can cook like a pro and deal with the most difficult recipes, you still may come across some curious cooking life hacks you’ve never heard of before. That’s why we’ve put together some tricks that can make your cooking time easier and more fun.
In the morning, every minute counts, especially if your goal is to quickly get the children to kindergarten or school and not forget anything. To keep a good mood from the very beginning of the day and not be late, use our life hacks for a quick morning preparation! We have also put together some stuff from Amazon that might help with this. We hope that they will become your good morning helpers!
Some people take the expression, “Improvise, adapt and overcome,” to heart. When they’re faced with challenges in their day-to-day routine, they choose to deal with them head-on and with a touch of creativity. Proof of this is scattered all over the Internet, with examples that include using a hair dryer to efficiently clean a keyboard.
In a world where everything requires effort, there are plenty of simple, at-home hacks that can save you time in your daily routine. Social media users often post life-hacks online and invent useful tricks that almost everyone can use.
Some people really know how to fix things that others would probably just throw away. And their creations amaze everyone who sees them online or in real life.
Small life hacks may help us save time and money, prevent awkward situations, and make more space. Every helpful tip is a unique opportunity to discover a creative solution to a common problem using everyday items. Bright Side wants to show you 8 easy ways to improve your life that you can implement right away.
Our brain has different areas, and each of them stands for various tasks that we do. However, scientists claim that there’s no special area in our brain that would be fully responsible for our creativity. To give birth to a creative solution, our brains need to make all areas work as a friendly team, and only then will we be able to produce some witty solution. The heroes of today’s article probably had their brains switched on to the maximum and came up with some pretty good decisions.
Having a creative mind doesn’t just apply to artists and visionaries. All of us are capable of being creative, especially when it comes to solving problems. But, admittedly, some people are just more gifted with wilder imaginations than others. Let Bright Side introduce you to these clever individuals who see the world just a little bit differently and have come up with out-of-the-box solutions to normal, everyday struggles.
Sometimes, a little hack can change your day for the best. From saving you time in the morning to saving you money on decorating your home, anything that can help make things better is welcome. Even simple things, like enjoying your chips without having to struggle to reach into the container and make a mess, can make life a little easier.