All look evil
How Our Favorite Game of Thrones Characters Should Actually Look Like According to the Books
Sometimes producers have to make changes to a story and its characters’ appearances in order to adapt it for television. And this can significantly change how the people in the books looked. Game of Thrones characters have a physical description of themselves in the books, so the artist Anna on Imgur decided it would be fun to bring them to life using AI. So we decided to compare the images generated by the neutral network to the actors who played them in the show.
Bright Side was surprised to find out how the characters we like are described in the books. Some of the actors fit the description perfectly, meanwhile for others, the prominent features of characters had to be eliminated or changed for the show. The age ranges might surprise you as well.
1. Arya Stark
In the books, she is about 9-12 years old. She has a long face, brown hair, and gray eyes. She cut her hair, so she would look like a boy.
2. Asha Greyjoy
In the books, she is described to be in her early to mid-twenties. She is lean, tall, and has dark eyes and short hair. She is described as having a “big, sharp nose” and “wind-chafed” skin. Theon, her brother, thinks her nose is too big for her face.
3. Ned Stark
He is described to be a man who is 35-36 years old, with dark gray eyes that reflect his mood. His beard is beginning to gray, which makes him look older than he actually is. He has a long face and brown hair.
4. Brienne of Tarth
In the books, her age range is from 17 to 20. She is described as an unfeminine, tall, muscular woman with broad features that are covered in freckles. She has prominent crooked teeth, but large, beautiful blue eyes.
5. Catelyn Stark
In the books, Catelyn is 33-35 years old, with long auburn hair and blue eyes.
6. Sansa Stark
Sansa is 11-14 years old in the books. She takes after her mother Catelyn, but she thinks that Sansa will grow up to be even more beautiful than her. She has deep blue eyes and light auburn hair.
7. Jaime Lannister
Jamie is around 31 years old with green eyes and curly golden hair. He is described as tall and handsome.
8. Margaery Tyrell
She is 16-17 years old. She has thick, curly hair and large brown eyes. Tyrion thinks she is as pretty as Sansa.
9. Joffrey Baratheon
His age range in the books is 11-14 years old. He is considered handsome, with blonde curly hair and green eyes.
10. Cersei Lannister
She is the twin to Jaime Lannister. Cercei is 31-34 years old, and is described as being very beautiful. Her hair is golden, her eyes are emerald green, she has fair skin, and a “graceful” figure.
11. Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys is 13-15 years old. She has violent eyes, pale skin and long silver-gold hair. She is described as being extremely beautiful.
12. Jaqen H’ghar
His hair is described as being long, with white on one side and red on the other. He is a young man who women consider to be handsome.
13. Jon Snow
Jon Snow is 14-17 years old. Has the most Stark features of the kids, with dark gray eyes, a long face, and dark brown hair.
14. Lysa Arryn
Lysa is in her early 30s. She has become a larger woman due to many pregnancy issues, so she looks older by a decade compared to Catelyn, even though she is the younger sister. She has pale blue eyes and thick auburn hair, she tries her cover her pale skin with powder.
15. Melisandre
In the books, she has unsettling red eyes, copper hair, and a heart-shaped face. She is considered to be extremely beautiful. She is an old woman, but looks young because of magic.
16. Tyrion
He is around 24 years old and has mismatched green and black eyes. His thin hair is so blonde that it’s nearly white, he has a large forehead and an oversized head.
17. Tywin Lannister
In the books, he is 58 years old. He has a shaved bald head, but keeps whiskers on the side of his face. His green eyes have gold flecks in them. He is also tall and slender.
18. Ygritte
She is a 19-year-old girl with a round face, crooked teeth, a short pug nose, and shaggy red hair. Jon Snow does not consider her to be beautiful, but the wildlings think she is.
19. Jorah Mormont
Jorah is around 46 years old. He is physically strong and fit. He has a black beard and is balding.
20. Varys
Varys is somewhere between 44 and 50 years old. He is bald, plump, and effeminate. The assumption that he has purple eyes comes from the fact that he is native to Lysa.
Which changes from the book do you like, and which do you think should’ve been kept in the show? Can you imagine any other actors playing the characters?
Except for Danearys and Jon Snow, actual actors looked far beautiful and handsome than artist depictions based on book.

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