20 Pictures That Can Annoy the Entire Internet

2 years ago

Not everyone can be flipped out by crookedly laid tiles on a sidewalk — most of us don’t even pay attention to things like this. But life is full of little annoyances, which can even get on the nerves of those who don’t consider themselves perfectionists. For example, when a girl sitting in front of you on a bus or plane flips her long hair back over her seat. Or when a package marked “fragile” is delivered in a crumpled box.

Bright Side collected photos that seem to annoy all the users of the internet. The number of “grrrrs” is just off the scale. If anything, we warned you.

1. Thanks, post office, thanks a lot.

2. Moving with this elevator must be quite a challenge.

3. No tea will be good enough to compensate for the annoyance from the look of this kettle.

4. I just want to go home, no adventures please!

5. Not coming here again!

6. Who thought it was a good idea to put them in one pocket?

7. When you wanted to eat pizza, but your fate wouldn’t let you.

8. “Well, at least now I know why it’s a bad idea to dry a keyboard in the oven.”

9. Somebody really flipped out...

10. Somebody has to drive through here every day...

11. I bet this person already changed their mind about painting the walls.

12. And about doing any repairs at all.

13. I wish this was just another crazy form of art.

14. I wonder if someone else also shuddered at seeing this?

15. This edge also sticks to the skin. Enjoy.

16. You’ve got to be kidding!

17. Lies, lies everywhere. Even on cookies.

18. “These jars in the doctor’s office worried me more than the results of the exam.”

19. “Here’s how my flight went.”

20. What could be worse than a butter dish that can’t hold the butter?

Which pictures irritated you the most? Or, maybe there’s no picture disturbing enough in this collection that could rattle your nerves of steel?

Preview photo credit PassengerShaming / twitter


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I bet the cord on that kettle is under the base.


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