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They say you never really know someone until you break up with them. But what happens when you decide to get back together? It’s a question that’s intrigued both romantics and skeptics, especially when exes reignite their relationship after years apart. From reignited passions to healed wounds, these 10 people are sharing their unexpected second chances.
My ridiculous coworker divorced her husband because he said something like, “You can’t live without me.” She divorced him to prove a point but then remarried him, so I guess he really proved his point.
© DarwinTheIkeaMonkey / Reddit
I endured his cheating for 10 years, finding lipstick on his collar, to keep the family together for the kids. When I finally divorced him, I got cancer, stage three. Suddenly, he stepped up—giving me the love and care I’d never known before. I wanted to believe it was real. We remarried.
One day, I came home early, opened the door, and froze at the sound of a woman’s whispered laughter. So now he cheats on his sick wife. I’ll leave again when I’m well.
My wife proposed an open relationship. She had a crush for a coworker for a while. I agreed but quietly filed for divorce. She came back, saying she hated it. We remarried.
6 months later, I got the envelope. When I opened it, I burst into tears. There were photos of her texts with this coworker. It turned out that she hadn’t stopped communicating with him even after we remarried. She had actually been meeting up with him a couple of times a month. We’re divorced again. I don’t believe in love anymore.
My parents (well, my stepmom and dad) got married young—he was 18, she was 16. I guess that was more common back then. They had two kids but ended up getting divorced. My dad had another child, then married my biological mom and had me. Sadly, my mom passed away from cancer, so it was just my dad and me for a few years.
Then, my oldest (half) sister was having her first baby, so we visited. Naturally, her mom was there too. That’s when my dad and my stepmom reconnected. A few years later, she officially adopted me.
That was 20 years ago, and they’re still going strong. I’ve known her for more than two-thirds of my life, and she’s as good as a mother to me as anyone could ever be. © Panthicanes / Reddit
My parents did that.
It was a bitter divorce, a drawn-out custody battle... Nightmares all around. Almost 30 years later, they got remarried and stayed that way until my mom passed away. They were originally married in 1964, when my mom was 16 and my dad was 21.
They came from completely different backgrounds—my mom was Native, grew up very poor in a rural area, while my dad was a spoiled mama’s boy with a strict father. Both of my grandparents disliked my mom for years, but despite all that, they still loved each other enough to try again, regardless of the hell they’d put each other through during the divorce.
My dad and former stepdad became friends, and now they hang out every night, working on cars and playing cards. It’s so weird. © SeethingHeathen / Reddit
Not me, but my parents. They married and had me at a young age. They were very different people in every way, with nothing in common. My mom struggled with depression. They divorced for a brief period when I was really young, but I don’t ever recall knowing they were actually divorced. I never asked why, but my understanding is that things were just difficult, so they split, but realized quickly they wanted to work things out.
They got back together, though they didn’t officially remarry for years. I was 8 when they said, “We’re getting remarried!” and that was the first time I found out they were actually divorced. They’ve been together for 36 years now. © lettiadash / Reddit
We got married in our early 20s. We had a few happy years together but eventually faced several problems all at once, from money issues to illness. Everything became tense, and we ended up hating each other. We separated and divorced amicably.
Over the next 3 years, we would sporadically talk on social media or over the phone, especially around Christmas or birthdays, but it would always end in an argument over long-standing bitterness. Eventually, I wrote a letter saying that I couldn’t talk to her anymore because it always turned into an emotional rollercoaster, and it wasn’t healthy. I admitted a lot of things and, at the same time, got off my chest what I thought of her at the time. After that, we stopped contact.
A few years later, she messaged me on Facebook about something related to a mutual friend. We started chatting, and agreed to meet up for a drink. Everything went well, and we began seeing each other more often. Eventually, we started a relationship. During that time, we talked through those old issues and both realized we had matured. We had improved in the areas we previously struggled with, partly due to the divorce, and also because we were now much more emotionally mature.
We went away on holiday and secretly got remarried. 7 years later, we live an increasingly self-sustainable life with allotments, two dogs, chickens, and we’ve done a lot of life laundry to work less and spend as much time together as possible. I’m a full-time mature student, and she has various part-time casual jobs in her field. The less money we have, the happier we’ve become.
We always knew we should be together. I think it was just a matter of timing and maturity.
© horrorhiker / Reddit
My grandpa married my grandma. Then he divorced her and married another woman. Than he divorced that woman and remarried my grandma. Then he divorced my grandma and remarried the second woman again. © hzzzln / Reddit
My mom and dad married right after high school. When they were 26, they got divorced. The divorce was mainly due to the stress of raising three kids, my dad being in the Air Force and constantly deployed, and while neither parent has confirmed it, based on some jokes, I believe my dad was also unfaithful. He was generally very immature. My mom left him because, in her words, she had “three kids to take care of, grad school to get through, and didn’t have time for his nonsense.”
They both went on to have different relationships and lives. They barely saw each other unless it was to trade us kids off. But then, around the time my sister and I started playing sports, my dad started showing up more to watch us. We lived about six hours away, and my mom let him stay at the house when needed. He went from sleeping on the couch to her bedroom within a football season. They got remarried the following summer, after being apart for 6-7 years. They’ve been together ever since and practically do everything together. © crimsoneagle1 / Reddit
My wife and I had a year-long fight. We married young, at 22, and weren’t on the same page about being married. She wanted to sow her wild oats, while I wanted us to start growing up and taking on more responsibility.
We ultimately got divorced, at my urging, because I wanted to move on.
About a month after the divorce was final, we started talking to each other like adults. We had some tough conversations about what wasn’t working. After cautiously considering if we were crazy, we started dating again.
A year later, we got married in Vegas. It’s been 16 years since the divorce, and we’re happily married with two great kids. Our journey has taken some wrong turns, but it’s our journey, and we wouldn’t change it for anything.
The lesson we share with anyone who asks is that getting married young isn’t for everyone. Don’t rush into a relationship. Make sure to take time to be yourself and appreciate your partner for who they are, not who you want them to be. © brokenindu / Reddit
We had a perfect marriage for 12 years until I decided to do some spring cleaning and revealed my husband’s secret life. I started sorting through dusty boxes in the garage that had been there for years. While going through them, I opened one without thinking. Inside was a heart-shaped candy box. But what truly froze me was what I found inside. My heart sank when I saw a note: ’Thanks for sharing your husband with me... Click here to read the full story!