10 Stories About People Who Make You Want to Ask, “Are You Okay?”

6 months ago

Ever met someone whose actions are so strange you can’t help but wonder, “What’s up with you?” These stories are packed with people who do the unexpected, the weird, and the downright puzzling. Get ready to dive into some seriously bizarre behavior.

  • When I was 17, my boyfriend at the time invited me to backyard camp at his friend’s house. I knew the friend, he was super chill, so I said yes.
    Got there, some awesome tents were set up in the yard, a grill was going, there was a giant cooler of drinks, I brought snacks. Everything was pretty awesome. His parents were so nice, his younger siblings came and played games with us, it was great.
    At one point, I asked to go to the bathroom, so he showed me inside. It was so crawling with roaches, everything looked like it was moving. In my 5 minutes inside, I had to swat them off me every 30 seconds. His parents and siblings were just sitting around like nothing was wrong. My skin crawled for the rest of the night. Needless to say, I never went back. momonomino / Reddit
  • There was a friend of mine and his Grandfather was such a pain in the ass, no privacy, popping out of nowhere staring like he wanna kill me or something. One day I was using the washroom at this friend’s place and the Grandpa just went all in without knocking and stood there looking at me while I was taking a dump and said, “What are you doing?” After that day, I never went back to his place. Life_Is_Hard_Mate / Reddit
  • He told me to just sort of push the pizza carton with a half-eaten pizza onto the floor to make space for me on the couch. There was trash everywhere, and his advice was to just push it to the side with your foot to ’make a path’. SendMeN*****Though / Reddit
  • I was around 10 and a few of our neighbors were over swimming. One of the girls, a year younger than me, went to the bathroom and I went right after. She had pooped all over the toilet seat and didn't even try to clean it.
    It wasn't just a little, it was everywhere, and let me tell you that girl needed more fiber in her diet. Her mom ended up yelling at her and making her clean it up. Christian_Baal / Reddit
  • My mother-in-law was coming to visit, and I saw her arrive. Instead of knocking on our front door, though, she went in the backyard. I was so confused.
    I looked out back to see her going behind a bush, dropping trou, and squatting. I assume she peed. I am baffled to this day. I said nothing. koopdujour / Reddit
  • "I was emptying your dishwasher and I didn't really know where anything was supposed to go, so I went ahead and rearranged all your cabinets in a way that makes sense to meeee..." I knew my MIL staying with us was going to be a problem, but this was a level I was not prepared for. Like really, you couldn't just open cabinets until you found the cups and put them in there, and so on? oGsBathSalts / Reddit
  • My ex mother-in-law had to pee in the middle of the night, but her son (my ex) was in the only bathroom. Instead of knocking, she got a glass out of the kitchen, went into the garage and squatted to pee into the cup. I had heard the garage door open and got up to see what was going on and startled her, causing her to spill her cup of pee all over the floor. TrippleDubbs / Reddit
  • As a 16-year-old exchange student in Japan, I was in a store browsing when a middle-aged Japanese man walked up to me, pointed at my face and excitedly exclaimed "Pimple! Pimple!" before walking away. OptomisticOcelot / Reddit
  • A dude on my bus in middle school once ate an entire aluminum soda can. No one was daring him to or anything, he just wanted to. lavafisherman / Reddit
  • I'm bilingual, and it was my first week in kindergarten. I meet this girl, and we start talking in fluent Spanish, this went on for about a week. Not really friends, but we were cool around each other.
    After the weekend I come back and try to talk to her in Spanish, she says that "she forgot she ever spoke it over the weekend", and never crossed words with me again. I don't know what happened, but she never spoke Spanish again. KaiJonez / Reddit

Running into the weirdest people can lead to some seriously bizarre experiences. It's these odd encounters that turn everyday moments into epic stories.

Preview photo credit momonomino / Reddit


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