15 Men Who Decided to Not Follow Stereotypes and Worked Hard on Their Look

3 years ago

There is an opinion that the modern beauty industry works exceptionally for women. However, stylish hairstyles, taking care of oneself, hair dying, and even manicures are now available for men. The representatives of the strong part of the planet now visit salons, pluck their brows, and take care of the way they look. The result often exceeds all expectations.

We at Bright Side appreciate the beauty in any shape or size. That’s why we didn’t neglect the opportunity to admire these men, for whom the concept of beauty is not an empty sound.

“Finally, plucked my eyebrows as many people suggested.”

“I like how it looks but it’s hard work!”

“I’m liking how it turned out.”

“One year after my hair transplant!”

“Finally decided to go to the barber after a period of no self-care.”

Got long hair and don’t know what to do with it? BRAIDS

“Finally had time to get proper haircut and a trim.”

A bit of self-care and attention to grooming goes a long way.

This transformation took 5 years.

As if these are 2 different people...

“A brilliant barber and 1-year gym membership really made me a better man.”

“Very happy with this transformation.”

“First time ever going to a salon.”

First real haircut in 2 years

“This is the result of 3 months: new hair, new clothes, shaved beard for good, took care of my skin, exercised, ate better, lost 30 lbs.”

What is your attitude toward trends that relate to men’s appearances?

Preview photo credit AlRatul_ / Reddit


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