15 Slightly Quirky Things People Couldn’t Resist Sharing on the Internet This Week

10 months ago

From finding a feather in McDonald’s nuggets to spotting a starfish on a thawed scallop, we’ve gathered 15 of the most amazing moments people shared online this week. Some are so surprising they might make your eyes pop, like in a cartoon. Let’s challenge you to view all 15 pictures without dropping your jaw.

1. «Only my right arm is allergic to my wristwatch.»

2. «This 4,500 pound (2041kg) wheel of cheese at my local grocer.»

3. «My newborn son was born with a heart-shaped thumb.»

4. «I found a feather in a McDonald’s chicken nugget.»

5. «Met a guy with the same name, same tattoo.»

6. «Mall restroom in Tokyo has a holder to put your baby in while you use the stall.»

7. «My mom accidentally baked her iPad in the oven.»

Dat meen je Niet, niet gemeen bedoelt, maar is je moeder dement? Wie heeft haar telefoon er in gelegd? Zij zelf of iemand anders.....


8. «I found a tiny starfish on a thawed scallop.»

9. «My under lip is missing pigmentation.»

10. «I have toes sewn onto my hand.»

11. «Bottom of my shoes have musical notes.»

12. «Family eye colors — husband and I have brown eyes and somehow the kids came out with blue and hazel-ish eyes.»

13. «The difference 2 years and braces makes.»

14. «Giant hair on chin... Normal hair for scale.»

15. «Two unopened jars of honey of the same brand stored side by side for a few months. One crystallised, one didn’t.»

If you’re eager for more curious discoveries, check out this article we’ve cooked up. We’ve hunted down 15 moments that’ll tickle your funny bone and make you go, ’huh?’ Trust us, some of the pictures are absolutely amazing.

Preview photo credit soniconor / Reddit


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