15+ People Who Clearly Upset Karma and Got These Neighbors Instead
We all daydream about having neighbors who just click with us, but let’s be real, not everyone gets that lucky. And unless you’re planning on buying your own private island, you’re stuck dealing with whoever karma throws your way. Seriously, though, we’re dying to know why she’s giving our article heroes such a hard time.
1. “I came home and saw my neighbors (who are moving out) took down the shared fence.”
2. “My neighbor put up a sign saying a PUBLIC part of our close is reserved for her car.”
3. “A neighbor put nails into my cat’s favorite spot to sit on the fence.”
4. “A book I’d gotten my mum as a Christmas gift, delivered to my neighbor — more specifically, their dog.”
5. “My neighbors’ shoes in the hall.”
6. “My upstairs neighbor dropped a quart of milk, and it’s dripping into my apartment.”
7. “My neighbor’s second balcony (apparently).”
“My neighbors using this common area on our level to store their bikes and poor propagations, old bike tires and some other stuff. I mean, they have a 70m2 apartment, I don’t get it. Plus, in a case of fire, we can’t really get to the hydrant, since their bikes are locked in there.” meh3meh4 / Reddit
8. “My neighbor who never left his house or threw out his trash recently passed. This is how he lived.”
9. “My neighbor’s amazing parking skills.”
“Just in case: I am supposed to drive through here.” Unknown author / Reddit
10. “All the stuff my neighbor’s kids threw over the fence for me to mow over.”

We had that when we first moved here. We quickly learned to toss it all back over the fence. That way, if the parents came to complain, we then could explain.
11. “This dog ate my neighbor’s food delivery.”
12. “New neighbors moved in in front of us. They keep these lights on all the time. This is our bedroom windows and the view from our bed at 2am.”
13. “A neighbor cut my internet line.”
“Went out of town for a few days and came back to no internet. Found that my neighbor dug a hole and cut my coax line between our houses.” Nigel_featherbottom / Reddit
14. “Our upstairs neighbor’s kids run so hard, they’re literally knocking out our vents.”

Is that tacked in? Well there's your problem there; don't fix things to the ceiling with CARPET TACKS.
15. “My neighbors put spikes on our shared fence to stop our cats from jumping up.”
16. “My neighbors put an arm barrier that doesn’t let my car into my own neighborhood.”

No they didn't, this is blatantly a car park.
How have your neighbors been treating you lately? Before you head out, take a moment to dive into another article featuring stories of lucky people who hit the jackpot with their special inheritances. It’s always fascinating to hear about unexpected windfalls and the joy they bring to people’s lives. So, kick back, relax, and enjoy some feel-good tales of good fortune.

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