15 People Who Dared to Accept a Challenge and Now They Couldn’t Be Any Happier

2 years ago

The most difficult part of changing your life is the beginning. It might be scary to get out of your comfort zone and leave old habits in the past. Although the journey to the life of your dreams is never smooth, it’s definitely worth it.

These 15 people got tired of waiting for the right moment and decided to take small steps. Now, when they look back, they’re grateful they didn’t give up.

1. “I sent the left pic to my partner before I started transitioning. It shows how uncomfortable I was feeling in public.”

2. “I was ecstatic when I took the picture. I was so happy that I’d finally put myself first and taken a step toward health.”

3. “Started eating fewer calories. Hired a personal trainer and hit the gym about 5 times a week.”

4. “Me in January 2020 vs June 2022. It’s crazy how much can change in 2 years.”

5. “Had to take a new photo for work.”

6. “Transitioning is a journey. It took a long time to make it to where I am now.”

7. “I’m very proud but I still have a long way to go. Never looking back though.”

8. “Friends treat me differently, and people I’ve known for a while have started to like me. You also see people’s true colors.”

9. “The HRT de-aging makes up for some of the untransitioned decades.”

10. “Stopped actively trying to lose weight and am now trying to improve fitness and get stronger.”

11. “The face gains make me feel like I’m not even the same person. Time difference between pics is 3 years.”

12. “Take a deep breath — it’ll all be worth it. 1.5 years on HRT, a rhinoplasty, and some filler.”

13. “3.8-year transformation. Still going strong!”

14. “2 months before vs 1 year 8 months of HRT and much happier.”

15. “2.7 years since I hit another milestone. I figured I’d share my face gains!”

How much have you changed over the years? What’s your biggest change this year?

Preview photo credit starshipvelcro / Reddit


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