15+ Photos Prove That Family Is Love Without Limits

Family & kids
3 years ago

Meeting your grandchild for the very first time, graduating from university with the unconditional support of your grandparents, or adopting a pet, are little snippets that prove family holds a special place in our hearts. Family is what some of us call our “safe place” and where we get to understand firsthand what caring for one another really means.

Scrolling through the following band-aids for the soul, the Bright Side team couldn’t keep these to themselves and we wanted to put your happy face in motion!

1. “The memory bear I made my mom for Christmas. She loves it!”

“The bear is made of the sweatshirt that my late dad was wearing in their last picture together. The bear’s paws have speakers with recordings of old voicemails. I sprayed it with his cologne.”

2. “My grandpa got to meet his great-grandson for the first time since he was born.”

3. “We’ve had her for one week, and this is how she sleeps now...”

4. “When my school discovered I was undocumented, my scholarship & in-state tuition were taken away.”

“I told my papi that I was going to drop out & work instead. Today I graduated & he’s why.”

5. “Trying to watch a game on TV with my grandson... I guess the game was kind of boring.”

6. “Down dog on a dog. Our 11-month-old son and 8-year-old dog.”

7. “Mom passed in 2013 — apparently this picture of me was in her wallet.”

8. “I gave LEGO flowers to my mom for Mother’s Day.”

9. “Went in to tell her ’lights out’ but changed it to ’love you’ instead.”

10. “On this day a year ago, I officially became a dad when I took in my sweetheart here after her parents passed tragically.”

“It hasn’t been easy, and I’ve made some mistakes, but I can honestly say I’m a proud dad and happier than ever.”

11. “My daughter holding my thumb 12 years ago.”

12. “My baby is my cat’s most favorite human.”

13. “My dad and the cat he ’didn’t’ want”

14. “My daughter Mia spent 2 weeks in the NICU after an emergency C-section! This is a picture my wife captured from our first morning home!”

15. “My dad doesn’t message me very often but it’s a treat when he does.”

16. “My parents meeting my daughter Alice for the first time. It’s the first grandchild in our family.”

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from your family? What is your favorite, most emotional moment you’ve spent with the special ones that you hold close to your heart?

Please note: This article was updated in January 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit DoingGoodWork / Reddit


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these pictures are really filled with love, can't stop smiling :)


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