17 People Share Old Pictures And Our Emotions Are Swirling

month ago

“Those were the days.” Isn’t this a phrase many people use when they think about the past and how good their lives were? Not that your life isn’t good now, but we tend to think of the past more tenderly. These 17 people dug or recreated their old photos and awoken feelings they forgot existed.

1. “This couple, ages 104 and 103 are celebrating their 82nd anniversary.”

2. “When you find a hairdresser that you trust.”

3. “My best friend and me in 1986, in 2010 at her wedding, and in 2014 at my wedding.”

4. “22 years difference — we were visiting our old hometown and noticed that these poles were still in front of our childhood home. The tree has also grown up very well.”

5. Celebrating their 68th wedding anniversary.

6. Two gal pals doing what they love the most: riding motorcycles.

7. “My grandparents. Then and now.”

8. “I saw some childhood friends of mine at a New Year’s party. We all look different now, but we really haven’t changed much.”

9. “22 years later.”

10. “She wore her grandmother’s wedding dress from 1956.”

11. The most faithful friend.

12. “My grandmother then in her late 20s vs my grandmother now at 77. Still so full of life.”

13. “NES + Christmas: then vs. now.”

14. “This is Cain, my best friend. Saved this fella from a bad situation, now he makes my house a home.”

15. Recreating a picture for mother’s 60th birthday.

16. “Grandma and dad in 1966 Vs. 2020.”

17. “We had to put my 16-year-old dog down yesterday, but before that, we recreated our favorite photo with him.”

Do you have old albums you look at every now and again? Most people forget about these photos and are always hit with nostalgia when they think about these days.

Preview photo credit RobertMRodriguez / Reddit


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