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A loving parent always has their kids’ best interests at heart. But sometimes the things we do to make our children feel comfortable and safe can actually put them at risk. When we cover a baby’s stroller with a blanket in an attempt to shade them on a sunny day, we don’t always think of the consequences it can possibly lead to.
As it turns out, covering a baby’s stroller with cloth isn’t as innocent as it may seem, and here at Bright Side, we took a closer look at this problem.
Many of us see parents who cover their babies’ strollers with blankets or other pieces of cloth on sunny days, so what could possibly go wrong? Pediatricians found out that by covering a stroller with cloth (even if it’s thin), we can create a greenhouse effect, causing the child to feel uncomfortable and potentially lead them to overheat. It’s also hard to tell how your baby really feels because you can’t see them through the blanket or cloth.
The YouTube channel, Channel Mum, ran a test to check how dangerous this practice can really be. On a hot sunny day, they measured the temperature first in an open stroller and then in a stroller covered with a piece of muslin cloth. After 7 minutes of measuring, the thermometer showed 85.82°F in an open stroller and 95.18°F in the covered one. The temperature difference between the 2 strollers rose by about 10°F within just 7 minutes.
This is a reminder that we should be more careful and thoughtful when trying to protect our kids from the sun. Here are a few tips from experts that will help you feel more confident next time you go for a walk with your baby on a hot day:
The signs of overheating you should look out for can include changes in breathing, flushed cheeks, sweating, feeling irritable — or conversely, lethargy.
Do you know parents who need to see this warning? Can you think of any other “innocent” things parents do that can possibly hurt their children? Let’s discuss it in the comments!