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On May 15th, the singer stitched a video by a TikTok creator named @tiffriahgrande. In the video, the creator questioned whether others believed that plus-size individuals engage in workouts primarily for their health rather than to lose weight. Lizzo strongly resonated with this viewpoint and decided to share her agreement.
She started her video by saying, “Heavy on the not trying to escape fatness.” In her job as a singer and entertainer, she has many activities that require her physical endurance, such as dancing and singing, even in tight clothes, which can limit her breathing.
She continued by addressing that as she became more professional in her career, she became more aware of her body’s health.
As she started to go vegan in 2020 and work out, she experienced changes in her body. And she clarified the stereotype that people like her who do those things are not doing them to lose weight. “I think a lot of people see a fat person that way and immediately just assume everything they’re doing is to be thin,” she said in her video. “I’m not trying to be thin. I don’t ever want to be thin.”
Leading a healthy life for Lizzo is for her mind, so when she looks in the mirror, she won’t feel ashamed or disgusted with herself. “Exercise has helped me shift my mind, not my body.” Then she continued by saying that if one’s mind is unhappy, the entire body won’t be happy either.
In the past, Lizzo has taken a stand for individuals like herself by embracing her own body type. Her efforts go beyond simply seeing it as a trendy or marketable concept as she strives to normalize and celebrate diverse body shapes and sizes.
Lizzo’s approach to maintaining her health is also admirable, as she firmly believes in the positive impact of exercise on our happiness. Physical activity can boost endorphin levels and contribute to our overall well-being.