15 People Who Show Us the Hilarious Side of Being Pregnant
A long-awaited pregnancy is oftentimes not only filled with touching moments but also with funny ones. The first pregnancy test showing 2 lines, the weird cravings of the future mother, and the preparation by the man for his upcoming indoctrination into fatherhood — all of these are an endless source of jokes and comical situations.
We at Bright Side are sure that funny moments are just a part of the lives of future mothers and fathers. Perhaps that’s why you will also have something up your sleeve to complement this compilation.
“My wife sneaking up on me...!!!”
My wife: “Let’s start trying now, it’s going to take months anyway, so we’ll have plenty of time to prepare...”
8 days later...
“I’ve been dying to do this for a few weeks and my wife finally let me.”
“I told the Subway worker, ‘My pregnant wife would like as many pickles as you can legally give her.’ They came through.”
“My pregnant sister just won a Halloween costume contest.”
“Pedicure at 35 weeks pregnant.”
“My wife is 5 months pregnant. I guess you could say the belly runs in her family.”
“My friend’s wife is pregnant.”
“Baby due any day now. Getting some last-minute practice in.”
“I’m 27 weeks pregnant now and this is what my son did today.”
In late-term pregnancy, the belly bump almost always interferes, but it is convenient to put ice cream on it when in a cafe.
“My mom left this cheeky little bouquet on my porch today as I hit 36 weeks!”
“Tell me you’re 39 weeks pregnant without telling me you’re 39 weeks pregnant.”
“Cracking up at the hilarious difference in my undies from the beginning of pregnancy vs today at 37 weeks!”
“One of my pregnancy cravings got the better of me yesterday. And yes, I went into a movie theater for this, and only this.”
What weird wishes or cravings did you have during your pregnancy?
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seems like pregnant women have crazy craving ahahah
getting popcorn is the only reason to go to the movie theater 🙌
Been there.
Thank God I had people to help me through it.
It was not an easy period of time for me...or for anyone I guess.

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