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Massage is a great way to manage not only pain and discomfort, but also fatigue and depression by lowering cortisol levels. To enjoy a massage today, you don’t even need to visit a spa or masseur. For high-quality self-massage, there are a huge number of electric and manual massagers.
We reviewed the different types of massagers from Amazon and chose the top 5. Take a look at our reviews and make the best choice for your body!
An easy-to-use massager that will help you quickly relieve tension from neck muscles after a long time at the computer. You can also stretch your leg muscles after an intense workout or a long walk. The dual ball mechanism gently acts on trigger points to relax the muscles.
Promising reviews:
I suffer from terrible neck and back pain, including pain that requires me to crack my neck to alleviate tension. My neck muscles sometimes get so stiff that I am physically unable to massage them as hard enough as it needs.
This product is AMAZING! It sits perfectly on the areas that require massaging and allows me to knead the area as softly or as hard as I need to.
It is solid and sturdy, even massaging as hard as I could, I didn’t feel like the product would break. For the price, this is a great quality product, I would have expected to pay £10-15 more!
After one use, I managed to release so many knots that I didn’t need to crack my neck all day to alleviate pressure/tension!! I believe that using this product for 10–15 mins a day will really make a difference, especially when used in conjunction with an orthopedic pillow and a posture-correcting brace.
I would DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone who suffers from neck pain.
This is a brilliant neck massager. Being manual, it is easy to control how deep you would like the massage. It does what it says it would, and I cannot fault it. It has been used multiple times by myself and my family.
Highly recommend!
A great way to take a break from work — just put this massager around your neck! The heaviness of your hands will provide the desired massage intensity, which you can control to feel comfortable.
Promising reviews:
This is a great massager, have had issues with my neck on and off for the last few years and have been to physios and chiropractors. I am mostly seated at a desk all day, which I say is a lot of the issue. I use this every evening before bedtime when I feel any tightness building up, and I find it great. It actually feels like someone is behind you using their hands. For the price, this is absolutely amazing, anyone thinking of buying — go for it. I bought one for a friend, and she is delighted with it too. Wish I had come across this sooner, as it would have saved me lots of money and trips! I haven’t had any pain since I start using this because as soon as the tightness starts, I use it straight away. You won’t be disappointed!
I have back problems, and honestly, I am surprised by how good this product is. 10 out of 10, definitely recommend it.
@Amazon Customer
This is one of the best massage guns with a fairly powerful battery and a large number of attachments. With this massager, you can stretch any part of the body on your own or with someone else’s help. Because of its size, it is convenient to take on a trip or keep in a desktop drawer.
Promising reviews:
Build quality is very good, it’s small enough to massage yourself and comes in a quality case with all the attachments and decent instructions. I did plenty of research on massage guns, including customer reviews and medical tests for around a month, just in case any of them were biased toward sponsorship deals. And the best one, without spending hundreds of pounds, is the Renpho R3 Mini. I am a truck driver and I suffer from lower back pain quite often. After using this on 3 speed for 2 mins, twice a day for just 2 days I feel like I have a new lower back!! Try not to use it before bed as it stimulates your body into feeling great, and you may find it harder to get to sleep after using it.
Perfect for the whole body. Battery life is amazing! Different heads make a real difference in how the massage is applied. Highly recommended.
@Ian Antony Roots
This popular massager will bring the whole massage parlor home. Various nozzles will allow you to effectively stretch all parts of the body, get rid of tension, and get a charge of vivacity and strength.
Promising review:
I’ve been using these to help with a few issues. I’ve had a neck injury that healed sort of wrong, a few days with this (and admittedly a bit of extra pain at first) and I’ve got my range of movement back! I can turn my head to the left again!
I’ve also used this to ease discomfort in my hips and upper legs. I think, associated with the new medication I’m taking, it helps to reduce the pain and discomfort a lot.
Then simple massaging of the shoulders and back, and again I’m experiencing a lot of improvement in terms of pain. I gained a lot of weight over the COVID lockdowns, and for various reasons became a bit of a potato. As I’m losing weight, I’ve noticed I have no stamina. The massager is helping a lot to ease the aches.
Finally, I’m using it (very very gently) as a face massager. I’ve recently acquired my first 2 wrinkles... I’ve used this on the wrinkles, gently encouraging blood flow, and so far, I’m seeing a marked improvement, the deeper wrinkle is still there, but it’s getting shallower with each use!
It’s a very versatile device. And I’m very glad I purchased it.
I would also say that some reviews mention it being heavy, but it’s very light in my opinion.
With this gadget, you will not need to strain your hands while doing self-massage. Just put it under a tense area of the body and feel the relaxation. It will provide a warm massage with 4 knots that constantly change the direction of the massage. With this pillow, you’ll be able to get some actual rest!
Promising reviews:
Bought a few different models over the years of similar massagers. This one is definitely the best of all of them, just based on build. All of the other ones would break, make crackling noises, and get holes, but this one has no issue at all at this moment and is also built differently, so I doubt it’s going to have any holes or openings in the future. If you are looking for a cheap but effective and long-lasting massager, this should be your choice.
Bought this for our son who suffers from back pain. He has found it beneficial. He said it’s similar to a massage you get going to a qualified medical practitioner.
@Amazon Customer
Do you do neck and back exercises? What exercises help you relieve muscle tension?
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