A 64-Year-Old Woman Shows How She Retains Her Youthful Appearance

2 years ago

There is little we can do to prevent our bodies from growing and aging over time, but there are some things you can do to stay healthy and look young. A study found that the effects of exercise on our physical and mental health can significantly decrease the aging process. Lesley Maxwell, 64, exemplifies a healthy, balanced lifestyle, and she even looks as young as her granddaughter.

Here at Bright Side, we believe you should love yourself and your body at any step of life, and today we congratulate this confident woman for sharing with us her unique fitness approach to aging.

How she took on this fitness journey

Lesley Maxwell, 64, is an Australian grandmother who has dedicated her life to fitness and exercise. Maxwell began her fitness journey about 15 years ago, following her divorce from her ex-husband. She won her first competition when she was 49 years old, and she later began documenting her experience on social media, gaining thousands of followers on Instagram, where she promotes her workout routines and healthy food recommendations.

Lesley frequently shares images of herself training with her granddaughter Tia, who is only 20 years old, and people can’t believe there is such a big age difference between them. “I’m mistaken for my own granddaughter’s sister,” Lesley has revealed. On the other hand, her granddaughter claims: “Because she looks amazing for her age, she does get a bit of attention.”

Vanessa, Lesley’s daughter and Tia’s mother, is also a fitness enthusiast. When the three of them work out in the gym together, it’s often impossible to tell them apart. Vanessa remarked: “If I’m with my mum they think that we’re sisters and if I’m with Tia, they think we’re sisters,” Vanessa said.

She drew the attention of numerous men.

Since she began sharing her workouts and body photos on social media, Lesley has gained a large following, particularly among guys. “I take everything as a compliment. It’s really great that they even follow me,” she says, adding that she enjoys her male fans because guys spice up her life.

All the attention she is getting has certainly boosted her confidence, and now Lesley is looking for someone that would appreciate her life and shares her passion and hobbies. “If a man is brave enough to walk straight up to me and stare me in the eyes and ask me out, he’s a pretty brave man.” Lesley admitted: “He doesn’t have to be a gym person, but I do admire a healthy body. Oh, and he must be very energetic!”

Confidence is the key

For Lesley, age is just a number, as she firmly thinks that there are two ways of aging: one chronological age which is from your birthdate until now, and the biological age, which allows us to create a younger body and become slimmer and healthier.

Her sculpted form has improved her self-esteem and self-perception. She said: “I definitely think women come into their own as we become older,” she continues, “we can actually reverse the aging process through clean eating plus effective exercise.”

She wants to inspire other women to feel good with their body.

“Build the muscle and burn the fat, and having a healthy lean body is up to us.” Lesley has firmly stated, “Confidence is a win for me.” She works out five times a week and has almost 30 fitness titles under her belt.

Maxwell has made a company out of her health journey, selling training programs and promoting “her six steps to a youthful body.” She believes that by sharing her story online, other older women would be motivated to improve their health and recognize their own beauty.

Do you think a woman should let her body age naturally, or try to get in shape to avoid the senility that comes with the age?


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