18 People Whose Misfortunes Could Fill a Best-Selling Horror

Life has a way of surprising us with moments so bizarre and funny, they could rival the best scenes from a sitcom. We’ve gathered 12 incredible stories that serve as a reminder to cherish our day-to-day experiences. So, take a break and enjoy these gems—they might even inspire you to see the humor in your daily adventures.
I went canoeing with my fiancé for the first time. We were having a bit of trouble getting a rhythm going, so we were along the edge of the water, hitting the canal. This random couple was walking along the wall, and a man said to his wife while pointing at us, "Ahh, canoeing, the true test of love."
My fiancé and I burst into laughter for 20 minutes and then finally got our rhythm together.
The first time I went to my current dentist, and he examined my teeth, it went something like this:
Dentist: Oh, looks like you still have all 4 wisdom teeth!
Me: Yeah, never got them pulled.
D: You don’t need to, you have a lot of space back there. You have a wide jaw!
Me: Haha, thanks?
D: No, it’s not bad, it’s just your whole head is really big!
He seemed excited about my wide jaw and big head.
Not to me, but I was nearby. I was in a supermarket in the fruit and veg section. Two women were arguing behind me.
One says, "We should get this." The other responds, "No! We're getting this one! It's better, I should know!" The first, sounding upset, says, "Yeah, but-" the other interrupts and says, "You know I was a chef! I worked at KFC!"
I had to go two aisles over so they didn't hear me howling with laughter.
I was crossing the street once, and my sunglasses fell off my shirt directly to the floor. I just realized it happened after I got to the other side of the street, and my mom pointed it out. The closest car was pretty far away, but I was still very anxious about it.
I ran back to the middle of the street and tried to grab it, but I was so nervous it fell out of my hands two times before I finally got it and ran to the other side of the street again. The car finally reached us, the driver stops, rolls down the windows and says, “That’s what I call a survival instinct,” and drives away. I laughed so hard!
I was doing tech support over the phone for an internet company at a call center. I got a call from an elderly woman because her internet stopped working. After checking remotely that the modem was working and that there were no issues in her area, I was scheduling a visit from one of our technicians when she suddenly said:
— Oh, I know what happened. The cat was playing around with the router yesterday?
— Right, you think it took a cable or something?
— No, he probably took away the Wi-Fi.
— You mean like he moved the router?
— No, no, he probably took the airwaves of the Wi-Fi. You know how cats see things we can’t, he surely saw the Wi-Fi signal, grabbed it, and took it away.
It took all my willpower to not laugh in her face and finish the call.
Started college. Saw my brother's best friend on campus, from a distance. Hard to miss: Nate's 6'6", skinny, long brown hair. Fitting off our childish friendship, I straight up open-field tackle the guy. From behind. Blindsided.
It's not Nate. I apologize and sheepishly run away. Three hours later, a girlfriend from high school introduced her new boyfriend to a group of us. It's the guy I tackled. Danny. Super nice guy. We've been friends for 15 years.
I was waiting at a road crossing with loads of other strangers, waiting for the man to turn green. A little girl on the other side of the road made the most accurate impression of the 'beep beep' that the crossing makes, so blind people know it's safe to cross, and the entire crowd of people just stepped into the road.
I had seen her do it, so I stayed put, but I couldn't stop laughing. My girlfriend was confused. 50 adults pranked by one absolute genius 6ish-year-old. It was magical. It was really busy, so traffic was hardly moving, there wasn't a chance of being injured.
Had a nasty throat and tonsil infection and went to the doctor, who looked in my throat and said, "Eww, that looks gross!" I said, "Is that your professional opinion?" and he said, "Yep! That's the grossest thing I've seen in weeks! Eww!"
He was a super nice doctor and I knew he was just joking. He then gave me some nice meds and sent me on my way.
A doctor walked in real fast, head down, and went straight to the sink to wash his hands. While washing his hands, he said he had “great news.” “You’re pregnant”.
Turned around, looked at me, and said out loud, “Wrong person”. I’m a 43-year-old male.
I once showed up at a mate’s house with a bacon and egg roll from Maccas. He jokingly asked, “Did you get me one?”
I did, and without saying a word I pulled it out of the bag and threw it to him, the wrapping dropped off in midair, and he caught the burger one-handed, we both looked at each other in amazement.
I have a five-and-a-half-pound chihuahua. He’s about as intimidating as a bunny rabbit. I was walking him on the grass along the road.
A couple of walkers were coming near me and my dog started barking at them, so I picked him up. The guy says, “Thank you for picking him up. We were really scared.”
I was in the drive-through of a Wendy’s. An employee exited the building with his headphones on singing Who Let The Dogs Out. He saw me, stopped singing, and walked away.
A few seconds later, he came up to my window and said, "Yes, that is what I’m listening to." Then he walked away. I laughed so hard at the whole situation.
Kids have an incredible talent for turning everyday moments into laugh-out-loud memories, and this collection of stories is all the proof you need. From their wild imaginations to their unexpected one-liners, children remind us that life doesn’t have to be so serious.