The human mind is the initial source of creativity. And when we think we’ve seen everything, there is a huge chance we’ll stumble upon something unique. This challenges our perspective and redefines our conception of art.
As proof, we at Bright Side found some art pieces that people shared on the Internet, and we were mesmerized by their uniqueness.
1. “Fresh strawberry tats for me and my best friend of 13 years.”
2. “Needle felted bunny, wool, 2021”
3. “I found this gorgeous piece.”
4. “I painted this 3D street art today at a festival.”
5. “Afternoon Nap, oil, 2022”
6. “Breakfast With My Dog, digital, 2021”
7. “Lisbon, Graca — 15 days later, I’m finished with the details and all the colors. I used around 150 spray cans.”
“I called this wall Tropical Fado in RGB Tones.”
8. “Momma Bear With Cubs, watercolor, 2022”
9. “Water Garden IV, polymer clay/mixed media, 2022”
10. “Needle-felted dog replica, wool, 2022”
11. “Chinatown, oil on canvas, 2022”
12. “Lovely color in NYC”
13. “Three Little Helpers, watercolor, 2020”
14. “Space invaders in Paris”
15. “Stained glass butterfly suncatcher, 2022”
16. “Keetje, pastel painting, 2022”
18. “Trucker, oils, 2022”
19. “A needle-felted collie I made based on a photo of a real dog”
20. “Handmade, hand-painted, 62-point star”
21. “‘A sticky note pixel art in an office window — this was taken a few years ago in Hartford, CT.”
22. “My grandma was a seamstress, so I got this in memory of her.”
23. “My tat that says ’non-binary’ in binary code”
Have you ever seen a piece of art that really touched your heart? What was it? We’d love to know in the comments.