16 People Share the “Joys” of Working From Home With Their Pets

4 years ago

Admit it, you just can’t help but rub your cat’s belly or throw your dog’s ball when they look at you with all their love and admiration. But sometimes you have to refrain because your work also needs to get done. The heroes of this article tried to work from home with their pets around, and they never could’ve imagined that it would turn into the craziest work experience ever.

We at Bright Side chose 16 of the best moments shared by remote workers who are stuck at home with their pets.

16. “My coworker is really weird and unproductive.”

15. “Had a heated exchange with my shift supervisor about breakfast at work and now he’s watching my every move.”

14. “I’m being guilt-tripped because I cannot play and need to work from home. This is high-level manipulation.”

13. When you always have a helping paw around:

12. “He didn’t believe me when I told him I’d be working from home for at least another month.”

11. When you’re trying to work from home with a pet who does not understand the concept:

10. “My new coworker is very demanding.”

9. This doesn’t look comfortable.

8. “My dog doesn’t seem happy that I’m at home all day long.”

7. “Their reaction when I broke the news that I started working from home and will officially be their stay-at-home cat mom”

6. “My cat works in IT support.”

5. “Our cat has become SUPER clingy now that we both work from home. We had to improvise.”

4. “My dog, Ghost is very suspicious of why I’m home on a workday.”

3. “Working from home...with a kitten!”

2. “My husband has been working from home for over a month but Marty still waits for him at the front door at 5 p.m. every day.”

1. “She is sick and tired of us working from home.”

Do you have furry “coworkers” at home? We’d love to see their photos in the comments!

Preview photo credit Wolf-Track / reddit


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7. No, it's actually "would you please give us some private time. oh, please shut the door"


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