8 Ways Depression Affects Our Body

3 years ago

Depression is a mental disorder that affects 264 million people worldwide. This disease changes not only the psyche but also the body. It affects physical health and can cause other serious illnesses.

And we at Bright Side want to tell you about the possible physical outcomes of depression.

1. Kidney function decline

Depression affects both people who have chronic kidney disease and those who have healthy kidneys. It also speeds up the development of illness. One of the possible reasons may be the increase of inflammatory proteins that trigger the autoimmune processes.

2. Gastrointestinal tract problems

Our brain is closely connected with the gastrointestinal tract. It’s sensitive to emotions, they trigger it and can bring discomfort. Depression can influence contractions and movements in the tract. And those who already have problems with the GI tract can feel even more abdominal pain.

3. Diabetes

Depression increases the level of stress hormones and they, in turn, can affect the levels of blood sugar and insulin resistance. This connection works both ways, and people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from depression.

4. Risk of a heart attack

People who suffer from depression can experience high blood pressure and an increased heart rate. This can all lead to heart disease. The stress hormones that we mentioned earlier can also have a negative effect on the heart.

5. Problems with blood vessels

This is closely connected with being dangerous for the heart. High blood pressure reduces the flow of blood in the vessels. They shrink and become brittle. This damages the vessels and they can’t bring enough nutrients and oxygen to cells and tissues.

6. Back pain

Of course, backache is not always connected with depression. Bad posture and weak muscles are more common reasons for this. But the thing is that depression can cause chronic pain. It may happen because of inflammation as a body response to depression.

7. Memory problems and headache

Depression can cause short-term memory loss and confusion. This condition makes people more forgetful and inhibits their ability to concentrate. It can also bring on a chronic throbbing headache, which is called a “tension headache.” It comes in the form of mild pulsations mainly around the eyebrows.

8. Arthritis

Both conditions are closely connected with each other. Depression can cause arthritis and vice versa. The main factor is inflammation that happens because of these diseases. Depression can also influence the course and worsen the outcome of arthritis.

Please note: A bad mood can happen to everyone and it doesn’t always mean a mental disorder. But if you experience several depression symptoms, we’d recommend you consult a doctor.

Have you or has someone around you experienced depression? How did you cope with it?

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Should show this to the people who think mental ilnesses aren't so serious, I'm glad that these days you can get help with these problems


From my experience getting help is not the hard part, it's looking for the help and accepting that you need it. But yeah, sadly there are some people who don't take it so serious, I think these people would only change their mind if they had these issues themselves


Kinda crazy you can get such serious issues from a mental illness, never knew they were so connected!


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