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Dealing with excess fat and a lack of muscle tone in the upper arms is a common issue. One significant factor contributing to this problem is aging, which often leads to skin laxity and flabbiness in the upper arms. As people age, changes in the skin’s elasticity and underlying muscle structure can result in the appearance of sagging or loose skin in this area. We collected the most effective strategies to prevent saggy arms.
Eating more fiber makes you feel full for longer time, so you’re less likely to snack during the day. Foods with fiber can also help with weight loss by slowing down digestion and keeping your blood sugar stable, according to experts. Broccoli, beans, berries, avocado, apples, and whole grains are all rich in fiber, and they taste great too!
As extra bits of advice experts suggest:
The side pushup is an exercise that lets you focus on one side of your body at a time. This helps you really feel the squeeze in each triceps muscle. Plus, you can work your abs because your side muscles crunch with each pushup.
How to do it:
You can also do this exercise with your legs straight.
This version of the pushup might seem just like the regular kind, but there’s one key difference: where you put your hands. By flipping your hand placement, you not only work your triceps but also target your biceps, helping tone both sides of your upper arms.
How to do it:
If your wrists hurt, you can try turning them inward at a 45-degree angle. You can also do this exercise on your knees if you feel it’s difficult.
This pushup style is another way to target the side of your triceps, helping to firm up loose arms. Start by doing this cross-arm pushup on your knees until you get the hang of it. Later, you can try it the regular way with your legs straight out behind you.
How to do it:
You can do this exercise on your knees to make it easier.
Maintaining a healthy body is paramount for overall well-being and vitality. A sound physical condition not only fosters a robust immune system, reducing the risk of illnesses, but it also plays a pivotal role in mental and emotional health.