8 Things We Do Wrong Every Day

At Bright Side, we believe that a healthier life is all about having good habits. And this time, we’d like to show you why having a wake-up routine can be a game-changer for you.
This one goes to the early birds. A number of successful people, including CEOs, have embraced the “5 AM club,” a concept created by Robin Sharma in his book that bears the same name. The book states that “winning starts at your beginning,” and that the first hours of your day are extremely valuable. Sharma even states that by owning your mornings, you’ll master your life.
According to a German study, people who have a habit of waking up early and are morning-oriented tend to have more persistence, cooperation, and an urge to have new experiences.
Being less anxious has a lot to do with your sleeping habits, and it’s what this one study found. What’s even more interesting about it is related to early birds. Once again, waking up early has its perks for being more alert and promoting better health for your body and mind.
Another study stated that people who wake up early are more likely to have success in the workplace and to complete tasks quickly.
Are you used to hitting the snooze button when your alarm goes off in the morning? Chances are, you’ll be less likely to do that if you wake up early and become a morning person. Science says that you’ll have fewer procrastinating habits by having better morning habits. And that’s just another reason for you to get up in time to see the sunrise!
The lack of amount of time you sleep is related to negative thinking — well, that’s what researchers tell us. Having sleep disorders also negatively impacts mental health, as people may have higher chances of experiencing depression. By determining sleeping and waking periods, you may able to improve your chances of having a healthier mind and positive feelings!
Having a strict bedtime and waking time makes people more satisfied. That’s what a survey with 1,033 people stated. Having a regular wake-up routine led to 13% more satisfaction in people’s personal lives, an 18% rise in their financial situation, and a shocking 21% more satisfaction in work-life balance.
There are people who tried waking up at the same time every day, and the results are pretty interesting. Certified personal trainer and nurse Cedar tells us what happened after she stuck to waking up at 7 a.m. every day, even on weekends.
On top of that, she even mentioned being on board with exercise, having better sleep, having predictable eating patterns, and even waking up before the alarm would go off.
We have a circadian cycle, also known as a natural, internal process that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Linked to this, we have a gut clock that works accordingly. Following these times by waking up at the same time as well as going to bed and regularly having meals, our digestive system has more regularity in its functioning and keeps your intestines, stomach, and metabolism in order.
Sleep plays an important role in immunity. It’s necessary for the brain and health in general, and it also is dependent on the circadian cycle, just as digestion is. Our immune system may put us to sleep just as well as it wakes us up. Having a regular wake-up time can help your immune system, as it’ll also keep your metabolism well organized.
After learning all these tips, you may be curious about how famous and successful CEOs and founders handle their mornings. Check it out!
Do you wake up at the same time every day? What are the benefits of this? Do you feel like you need better sleep and waking routines?