Why Tom Cruise’s Daughter Suri Finally Ditched His Last Name

3 months ago

Suri Cruise, the daughter of Hollywood A-listers Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, recently made a big decision: dropping her father's last name. Let's dive into what led Suri to make such a decision, and how the new name is also a sweet tribute to her mom.

A strained relationship from the beginning.

Suri's parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had a whirlwind romance. Back in 2005, Tom famously declared his love for Katie by jumping on Oprah's couch. Soon after, they got married in a lavish ceremony, becoming Hollywood's golden couple.

However, their fairy tale didn't last. Just over five years later, Katie filed for divorce, reportedly catching Tom off guard. Suri, then just six years old, became an unwilling participant in the media frenzy surrounding her parents' split.

Suri was shielded by her mom.

There was a lot of speculation about the reasons behind the divorce, with Scientology being a major talking point. After the divorce, Katie was granted sole custody, shielding Suri from the controversies.

While Tom had visitation rights, reports suggest these visits became less frequent over time, with some stretches exceeding 100 days. In fact, during a legal case in 2013, Tom reportedly admitted that Katie filed for divorce to protect Suri.

DISCIULLO/bauergriffinonline.com/East News

Now an adult, Suri seeks independence.

Dylan Travis/ABACA/Abaca/East News

Suri Cruise, recently turned 18, has dropped her dad's last name. This move comes after years of a strained relationship with her father. Instead of "Cruise" as her last name, Suri opted for "Noelle".

Her new name is a tribute to her mother.

Reports suggest Suri's name change is a tribute to her mom, Katie Holmes. Katie raised her without much involvement from Tom. Insiders say it's not meant to be a dig at Tom.

An anonymous source close to Suri revealed that using her mom's middle name "Noelle" is a way for her to "show praise" for her mom. There's also a belief that this new name will help her fit in better at college, where she won't be constantly recognized as the daughter of a famous movie star. As Suri steps into adulthood, it seems she desires an identity built on her own merits, separate from her Hollywood connection.

Suri is already using her new name.

Suri hasn't wasted any time using her new name publicly. It first appeared on the casting list for her high school play and then again at her graduation ceremony. Interestingly, her diploma even reflected the name change! Photos from the event captured a smiling Suri receiving her diploma, with her new name being called out.

Suri is reportedly set to attend Carnegie Mellon University this fall, and it's likely she'll continue using her new name there. This choice became clear when she was spotted in a TikTok video wearing the university's sweatshirt.

While Katie was present for her daughter’s big day, Tom’s absence caused a stir.

Suri's mom, Katie Holmes, was there to cheer her on at graduation. The mother-daughter duo looked amazing in their outfits. Suri wore a white gown with a red graduation robe and sash, while Katie opted for a more casual look with baggy pants and a rolled-up long-sleeved shirt. Both sported loose hairstyles and footwear that complemented their outfits.

While Suri's mom was by her side for the big day, her father, Tom Cruise, was noticeably absent. Fans were quick to point this out on social media, with some expressing sadness and questioning his reasons for missing the milestone event. Instead, Tom was spotted enjoying Taylor Swift's Eras Tour.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's daughter also recently dropped her dad's name. Read about it here.

Preview photo credit DISCIULLO/bauergriffinonline.com/East News, Dylan Travis/ABACA/Abaca/East News


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