12 Real Story Twists to Keep You Guessing Until the End

In many fairytales, sagas, and even real-life stories, stepmothers are often portrayed as villains—cruel and unkind. However, some people break these stereotypes, showing love, care, and kindness toward their stepchildren. The heroine of today’s story is a young woman with both a biological mother and a stepmother. To her surprise, her stepmother turned out to be an incredible person, earning the young woman’s love and admiration.
But when a large sum of money came into play, her father and biological mother revealed their true colors. The woman shared her dramatic story on Reddit, and we believe it cannot leave anyone indifferent.
A young woman, 17, recently turned to Reddit and posted her story that resonated with many people’s hearts and minds. The OP came under the nickname WholePomegranate5342, and she didn’t hide her emotions while telling her story to people of Reddit.
The woman opened her post, saying, [edited], “My stepmother, Jane, is a wonderful woman. She and my father got married when I was 4, and she’s been a rock in my life ever since. Once, Jane won a big lawsuit against an airline company and got awarded upwards of a million dollars. Now, she’s terminally ill and, to my disgust, my bio mom and my dad are behaving very cruelly towards her, and they want to inherit her money by all means.”
The OP goes into more details, saying, “My mother was always my primary caregiver, but up until that point her relationship with my father was acrimonious, and I basically never saw him. Jane was the reason they developed a stable co-parenting relationship, she encouraged everyone having a good relationship with each other and was always there to support me and my mom when things got rough.”
“Jane was always a really hard worker. When she met my dad, he was living out of a hotel and my mother was doing everything in her power to keep me away from him because she was petty and angry that their relationship didn’t work out. Meanwhile, Jane had a great job, a nice house, helped my dad get back on his feet, negotiated a visitation schedule with my mom (who hated her for a long time), and made sure my dad sent us money every week because neither one of them could afford an attorney to negotiate child support payments.”
“Jane had no reason to do any of these things, but as I got older she made it clear that she loved me as much as she loved my (half) brothers, who were born a few years later. I even have my own room in her house because at the time we lived with my grandparents / various boyfriends of my mom and Jane felt that I needed a more stable environment than that. She’s like the opposite of the evil stepmom.”
The OP shared, “When I was 15, Jane won a big lawsuit against an airline company and got awarded upwards of a million dollars. She used the money to build sizable trust funds for me and my brothers so that we would be taken care of later in life.”
“Despite having a lot more money, she still wanted to live a fairly modest life, so she paid off the house she has and has been living there ever since with my dad. Sure, she bought a new car, and they went on a few nice vacations, but she didn’t blow all her money on stupid things, which I respected.”
“About a year ago, things started getting really weird. Whenever I saw Jane, she seemed to look sicker and sicker, but no one would tell me or my brothers why, even though I know they knew. All we knew is that she was at the hospital a lot.”
“Around the same time, my mom has been coming around my dad a lot more and acting really strange, basically like she was trying to romance him. Whenever Jane was in the hospital, my mother would insist on spending the night at their house and playing mom to my brothers, which was so weird to me because she never liked them or Jane. She’d be the perfect little housewife, and my mom is NOT like that at all. It was super fake.”
The OP goes on with her story, saying, “Worst of all, my dad started falling for it. I’m not stupid — I’m pretty sure they were in an intimate relationship again. I tried to shield my brothers from it, but they’re not dumb either. I tried talking to my dad too, but he insisted it wasn’t like that.”
“Then a few weeks ago, my mom started talking about all the places she’d like to visit, how she wanted a new car and was looking to invest... which is weird because my mom has been a bartender her whole life and has lived paycheck to paycheck since before I was born. She was acting like she was about to get a lot of money, which started to make me really suspicious. Between Jane being sick and my mom acting all nouveau riche, I had a lot of questions.”
“Finally, I decided to visit Jane in the hospital and ask her about my trust fund. I found out that if anything happened to her, that my dad would inherit all the money, including full control of the trusts for me and my brothers. She asked me why I was so interested in the trust fund, so I told her what’s going on with my parents and how my mom has been acting with my dad.”
“I didn’t want to, but after everything she did for me, she deserved the truth. It really hurt me to break her heart like that, especially once I found out that she was basically in hospice at this point because of irreversible kidney failure. She’s only got a few more months. We both cried so much.”
The woman wrote, “Then, two days ago, everything came to a head. My mom stormed in, furious, and started arguing with my dad. Apparently, Jane met with her lawyer and changed the trust so that my dad would get nothing and all of the trusts would be controlled by my step-aunt.”
“She demanded to know how Jane found out about their relationship, and I came out and told them that I told Jane everything. I told them that if they wanted to play stupid games they would win stupid prizes and that I wasn’t going to let them screw Jane over after all the help she gave my family when she didn’t have to.”
“Then my mom told my dad that she didn’t really love him, that she was just pretending to so he would marry her, and she could get all of the money.”
“The worst part about it is that my brothers witnessed the whole thing and now on top of their mom dying they have to deal with a cheating dad and his vindictive ex. Our whole family is in ruins and I feel like it’s my fault even though I know it’s not.”
The OP shared, “Yesterday I visited Jane again and told her about the fallout. She apologized and said that she had to dissolve my trust fund to make sure my mother didn’t get a hold of the money, but that as ’her oldest’ I will inherit the house/property after she is gone and that’s worth more than the other two trust funds combined.”
“My father won’t get anything because she’s going to divorce him before she dies, and honestly I’m happy for her. She made me promise to take care of my brothers and told me that once I turn 18 this summer, I can kick my dad out of the house if I want to. And I FULLY plan to do that, btw.”
“I haven’t talked to my dad since, and I can’t even look at my mom. I can’t believe they would conspire to do this to Jane after all this time. Just a proof that they deserve each other, and I’m embarrassed that they’re my parents. Once I turn 18 I’m going to cut my dad out as much as I can and cut my mom out completely. Meanwhile, I’m going to try and be at the hospital as much as I can until Jane passes away.”
“Anyways. I just needed to vent. I’m really messed up about the whole thing and I feel super betrayed, although I can’t even begin to imagine how Jane feels. I’m gonna be so f-ed up when she dies. I can’t even think about that right now. But at least she’s not surrounded by people who just want to bring her down.”
The OP came up with an update some time after her initial post. And again, there was an endless fight and drama in her family.
The woman shared, “Jane is still alive and doing surprisingly well considering the circumstances. She’s always been a fighter and although her disease has been progressing, she’s keeping a positive attitude with everything that is going on. She says she’s grateful that she was able to see everyone’s true colors before she passed so she could go into the next life knowing the truth.”
“My brothers are also doing okay, my aunt (Jane’s sister) is currently paying for them to go to therapy, and they’ve become a lot more open talking about the situation. They just turned 13, but a lot of the time it feels like I’m talking to actual adults. They’ve become really independent lately (in a good way) and aside from me driving them places, I don’t really have to do much for them anymore. Their grades aren’t super great, but they’re not failing, and considering the circumstances it could be a lot worse. They still hang out with friends, and I’m keeping an eye out for like depression symptoms and stuff.”
“The situation with my mom is as funny as it is embarrassing tbh. She spent a few weeks ignoring us, and then she tried to crawl back into my life, basically begging me to let her move in because her lease is about to expire, and she has nowhere to go. That convo went about as well as you’d think, and she ended up calling me an ungrateful person and that I couldn’t just ignore her because she’s my mom. I told her to get out of the house before I call the cops and to go back to my dad (who at that point was only coming home every few days to ‘check on us’ and grab some clothes.)”
“After that she tried coming by a few times and when I wouldn’t open the door she would lose her mind and start yelling through the neighborhood. After three instances of this I finally called the cops but because I’m 17 they told me there’s a possibility that I would have to go home with her since technically I’m a minor and need to be with the custodial parent. I told them no way because I was the only one watching my brothers atm. That led to a whole thing where after a few hours my dad basically showed up, and I was allowed to stay there because there was finally an adult present, and I’d basically lived there for over a year.”
“After that, the cops firmly told my mom that if she keeps showing up and causing drama (my neighbors confirmed that she’d been there a few times screaming) that they would arrest her for trespassing since technically it was Jane’s house and not hers. She left and hasn’t tried coming to the house anymore, but for a while she would call me constantly telling me I owed her and all kinds of stuff. She’s now blocked on everything, and anything she needs to say to me gets filtered through my dad.”
“As for my dad... well, since he’s basically required to be here for another 2 months until I turn 18 we’ve basically just avoided each other. It’s not too bad though because I’ve been heavily relying on guilting him for everything to get my way. For example, he was going to contest the divorce, but I threatened to kick him out when I turn 18 if he does that, so he just signed all the paperwork for a ‘quickie divorce’ and is basically doing whatever Jane tells him to do.”
“I don’t openly disrespect him or anything (he’s still my dad) but I’ve made it clear that I have no intentions on doing anything he says ever again, and he doesn’t fight me on it. Most of the time he’s just in his room, and sometimes he’ll go back to my mom’s but only for a day or two before they argue, and she kicks him out again lol. I haven’t decided whether or not I’ll kick him out yet, and we haven’t talked about it either, so I’m kind of playing it by ear.”
And this stepmother is a total opposite to a loving and caring Jane from the story above. A desperate man recently turned to Reddit to tell his story, and shared how his wife of 8 years kicked her 10-year-old stepson out from a family picture. The man described the horrible situation and shared how he taught his wife a cruel lesson for neglecting and offending his child.