Kim Basinger Is a Grandmother, as Ireland Baldwin Gives Birth to Her First Child

The daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, Ireland Baldwin, is now a first-time mom. The American fashion model gave birth on May 18 and shared the happy news on Instagram, along with the lovely name of her baby.

It’s a girl!

Ireland Baldwin and André Allen Anjos, a musician known by his stage name RAC, are the proud parents of a baby girl. This is the couple’s first child and according to the Instagram post where the pair announced the birth, they named her Holland.

Ireland gave the public candid insights throughout her pregnancy and she often shared on social media how she was feeling. “Pregnancy is hard. It takes so much out of you. I wasn’t ready for that,” she wrote on Instagram. “I underestimated just how hard pregnancy would be on my mind and body.”

However, the model made sure to also express the joy she felt in having children. “None of this reflects on how excited I am to be her mom,” she added. “All of this is still worth it, but it’s ok to admit how hard and scary it all can be.”

Kim Basinger becomes a grandmother at 69.

Ireland Baldwin is the only child of former model and actress Kim Basinger, born out of a relationship with actor Alec Baldwin. The two met on the set of the movie The Marrying Man, where they played lovers, and ended up getting married in 1993. They finalized their divorce in 2002.

Basinger and her daughter seem to be close, as the two often share posts dedicated to each other on social media. On May 15, 2023, Basinger posted a childhood photo of Ireland, along with an emotional caption. “The best thing I will ever do in my life is having had anything to do with bringing this little soul to this planet,” she wrote. “Being her mom has brought me every happiness, every joy and has defined the depths of love, deeper than the deepest ocean.”

The actress also showed excitement in becoming a grandmother, referring to her granddaughter as “the next little girl in line.” Ireland showed love back by leaving a heartfelt comment: “I love you the most.”

We’re excited to see how little Holland ends up looking like, her parents or even grandparents. In fact, in the world of entertainment, many grandchildren of famous figures turn out to be the spitting image of their celebrity grandparents. See for yourself!


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