12 Things We’ve Been Doing Wrong This Whole Time

Tips & tricks
3 years ago

We all put on our bathrobes after taking a shower but imagine having done it wrong all along. We’ve learned how to use most basic items through family and friends, but we seldom question if we’re doing things right or, at the very least, effectively. However, if we take a deeper look, we see that most of the simple things we do daily may need far more of our attention than we’ve been giving them.

Bright Side is here to help you realize your house is full of stuff you’ve been using wrong, so keep reading and get ready to reevaluate most of the things you usually do!

1. To make your bathrobe tighter, place the rope in front rather than on the back.

2. Earphones should be worn upside down to prevent them from slipping out.

3. The correct and best way to eat a burger is to flip it upside down.

4. To better stick a Post-it on the wall, peel it from the side so the paper won’t curl.

5. The proper and practical way to place a trash bag inside of the bin is to turn it upside down, place it on top of the trash can, and then pull the bag’s top downward.

6. Hang spray bottles on a clothing rod to get more cabinet space.

7. Cut the cheese or ham in half to make it fit the sandwich correctly.

8. By eating from bottom to top, the core mixes in with the rest of the apple, and nothing is wasted.

9. Wrap the towel around your waist by rolling the ends.

10. Put your thumb and ring finger between the loops of the scissors to give your hand extra stability and strength.

11. By pushing in the center of the food container, you can close all 4 corners at once.

12. To make parchment paper fit a dish, wet and crumple it.

Now that you’ve read our list, will you use these items differently? Do you have any further examples of things you thought you were doing correctly but weren’t?


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Honestly the earbuds trick is more comfortable on my ears. I think I saw that tip on here a while back and it’s really worth trying! Thanks for the other tips.


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