I'm not a mom yet, but I think I will be happy when experience these symptoms during pregnancy! ?
Researchers Found That Pregnant Women Who Suffer From Nausea Are More Likely to Have Smart Children
Pregnancy can be a wonderful but also very challenging time and morning sickness is one of the most unpleasant aspects of it.
We at Bright Side know how annoying this can be, but we have some good news for you: one study showed that the hormones that cause morning sickness are the same as those related to greater brain development in children. What does this mean? Continue reading to learn more.
Discomfort with a purpose
Research published in The Journal of Pediatrics revealed that nausea during pregnancy is an excellent sign of a high IQ in children. In addition, the higher the intensity of nausea, the higher the predicted intelligence of the child will be. The study involved 121 women who became pregnant between 1998 and 2003, and the children’s IQ levels were analyzed when they were between 3 and 7 years old.
Long-term results
Other studies, such as one published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal, revealed that morning sickness during pregnancy is a good sign, since it’s related to a lower rate of miscarriage. In other words, morning sickness has a protective function, because it means that hormone levels are high enough to maintain the pregnancy. But this is the first time it’s been revealed that nausea indicates that children will be very smart when they are born.
Neuronal development at maximum power
Morning sickness is not pleasant at all, but knowing that it has meaning and value makes us look at it differently. The children of mothers who had morning sickness scored higher on IQ tests than those whose mothers didn’t suffer from nausea during their pregnancies. The thing is that the human chorionic gonadotropin increase (GCH), the probable explanation for why you have that annoying morning sickness, creates an ideal environment for the placenta and better neuronal development in children.
What do you think about this discovery? Do you or did you experience nausea during pregnancy? Share your experience in the comment section.
I have to ask my mom if she had nausea when she was pregnant with me! I will be glad to hear that she did ?
I was so very sick from start to finish...so watch out world, Harper Quinn is going to be super smart!!! ??

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