Unexpected moments are everywhere. Whether you find lost items in surprising spots or have a restroom encounter with a wild bird, having your phone ready to capture these quirky experiences is essential. And if you come across something unexplainable, people on the Internet are always there to help you figure it out.
“Nurse here. While that vial looks standard issue for many, many drugs, my best guess is that this is Humalog R. Insulin, which is a biological substance (hormone) that would rot and start to look like this relatively quickly. It’s supposed to remain refrigerated for long-term storage for this reason.” CrashTestWolf / Reddit
2. “Lightning struck my home gym and left this artifact inside the mirror.”
Rare coincidences can seem impossible, like two identical people meeting or matching birthmarks on two lovers. These moments feel miraculous and these 15 people had the luck to witness them.