I Refused to Lose My House Just Because I Found Love Again

If you’re thinking about getting a dog or already have one, consider teaching it some basic commands. Obedience training not only helps to raise a happy and loyal companion but, more importantly, one day it might literally save your dog’s life.
Today we at Bright Side share some valuable tips from the world-renowned dog behavior expert César Millán.
When you decide to adopt or buy a puppy, you should keep in mind that his digestive system works very quickly. So every 15-30 minutes after eating, your puppy will feel the need to urinate and defecate. That’s why you have to regularly take him outside.
It’s not that you want your dog to be your robot, but there are situations when it is necessary for the dog to learn to calm down and sit down.
How to teach it:
“Come“ is probably the most basic and important command every dog needs to learn. It’s not only important for behavior reasons but for safety reasons as well.
How to teach it:
The “Leave it“ or ”Drop it“ command is extremely useful if you want your dog to stay away from any food or other objects that are on the ground, especially when your dog is outdoors.
How to teach it:
The “Stay“ command teaches your dog to remain calm in different situations, such as running after another animal or jumping on guests that walk into your home.
How to teach it:
It’s important that your dog has his own place to sleep, but you need to train him to go to this area at will.
What to do: