15 Animals That Were Destined to Be Adopted By Their Owners

7 years ago

Our life is full of chance encounters, and sometimes we have no idea that great happiness is just around the corner.

Bright Side gathered 15 stories from people who found their pets by chance and now they can’t imagine their life without them. In the end, you’ll find a story that proves that the inability to choose isn’t necessarily a drawback.

15. “A few weeks ago, I went to the animal shelter and rescued this beautiful boy instead of getting a Corgi from a breeder. I couldn’t be happier with my decision.”

14. “I went to the animal shelter. They got in the car. Now we live together.”

13. “My boyfriend and I went to Florida for a family funeral. We found this guy at his Grandma’s house. Guess who got themselves a new dog...”

12. “I went to volunteer at the animal shelter and this little guy wouldn’t leave me alone, so I brought him home.”

11. “I started volunteering at the animal shelter and went from one dog to 3. Now I guess I need a new bed for myself.”

10. “I went to buy new shoes. Got him, as well.”

9. “We accidentally adopted another one.”

8. “We went to get some food for our dog. This little girl met us outside and it was love at first sight. So now we have one more pet.”

7. “I heard this baby crying outside. She was wearing a collar but I couldn’t find her owners anywhere. Now she lives with me and wears a bell so she won’t get lost again.”

6. “I went to an animal shelter to look at dogs and saw these sad eyes looking at me. I came home with an unexpected friend.”

5. “My girlfriend and I have a black kitten with one eye. Last weekend we saw another black kitten at the animal shelter who looked exactly like him, only he was missing the other eye. We adopted him right away.”

4. “Look what accidentally followed me home from the animal shelter...”

3. “My friend went to the animal shelter to look at cats. She said she was just going to look...”

2. “When my dog passed away, the whole family was sure we would only get a black and curly dog. 4 years later, we got him...”

1. “I went to a pet shop to buy a fish. This is Fish.”

Bonus: If you can’t pick one dog, just buy the whole animal shelter.

That’s what Danielle Eden did. When she visited one animal shelter, she was shocked because all of the dogs lived in poor conditions and required medical attention. The woman couldn’t choose just one dog and decided to rescue them all. She bought the whole shelter with 250 dogs.

Danielle is one of the founders of the animal rescue center Dog Tales in Ontario, Canada. She always tried to rescue animals from all over the world, so her relatives weren’t surprised with her idea. Dogs were transported from Israel to Canada, so dozens of pets have already begun a new life.

Did you meet your pet by chance? Or was it a planned event? Share in the comments!

Preview photo credit webbuster/pikabu


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I was working at a retail store and my coworker came in saying he just could not bring this puppy to the dog pound because his daughter was allergic to him.

I showed the picture to my

Husband and the rest is history

We have had A

Baron for 4 years


Psa jsme adoptovali z útulku. Byla to láska na první setkání kdy mě jako dítě hned jak ho k nám pustili skoro sejmul k zemi a začal mě pusinkovat. Po naší první procházce bylo jasné že jde s námi domů.

První naše kočka si zase adoptovala nás. Rodiče ji našli na půdě naší stodoly sedět na trámku a žalostně mňoukat. Rodiče ji sundali a dali jí najíst. od té doby byla u nás a dala nám svou dcerušku. Po kastraci se odstěhovala k staré babičce naší soudce. Její dcerka nám dala další přírustky.

A nakonec další kočičí přírustek pronásledoval otce na jeho procházce po c´vesnici až domů. Kde už také zustala.


A couple years ago, my grandma heard about a dog that had been found in the street. A man had seen a pillowcase that was moving in the middle of the street and thought someone had left a baby inside. There was a baby inside. A baby dog! The man's daughter wanted to keep the dog, but they already had three dogs and a couple weeks after they'd gotten each dog the daughter had stopped caring about it, so the man told his daughter no. My grandma's dog that she'd had for a long time had died, and so when she heard about the dog she went to look with her other granddaughter. The second she and her other granddaughter saw the dog, her other granddaughter said "Grandma, we are taking this dog home." And so they did. She is the sweetest dog in the world, and her name is Lucky because she is just that.


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